HT-SAAE begins operations in Brazil and announces Fábio Furtado as brand ambassador

The company has been working since 1960 to develop solar technology for China's satellite program
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Canal Solar HT SAAE inicia operação no Brasil e anuncia Fábio Furtado como embaixador da marca
HT-SAAE solar panel factory. Photo: Disclosure

The Chinese multinational HT-SAAE, which belongs to CASC (Chinese Space Agency), announced its entry into the Brazilian photovoltaic market and the hiring of Fábio Furtado as ambassador to work on developing the brand's operations in Brazil. 

According to the company, the goal of coming to Brazil is to further expand the photovoltaic market in the country, presenting solar technology developed since 1960 by the company that, initially, was focused on China's satellite program.

Also according to the company, Furtado's arrival represents a greater investment in the growth area, with the expansion especially of the marketing sector.

“We have a huge gap in knowledge about the technologies and methodologies for validating the real quality of photovoltaic modules. And, also, a false impression that integrators and end consumers make a choice only based on price. The truth is that we have never seen a strong investment in marketing for this product category that would generate consumer desire and demand”, highlights Furtado.

He also points out the importance of discussing the quality and guarantee offered by manufacturers. “HT is committed to further raising the level of competition and market awareness, as the company presents important indicators such as Top Performer by PVEL and also Tier 1 by Bloomberg”, he highlights.

Furtado also emphasizes that HT-SAAE has a complete controlled chain that promises to raise the level of competition and quality in the Brazilian market.

“The Chinese state-owned company stands out in the market for having a verticalized industrial production chain, with control over the module manufacturing processes, from the extraction of silicon in its own factory in Mongolia, production of the wafer and photovoltaic cell in China and Turkey, to the completion of the module itself”, he comments.

Today HT SAAE has more than 20 factories and 108 shopping centers around the world. In Brazil, the company already has more than 100 MW installed in small, medium and large plants, with renowned customers, such as HCC, which has been importing modules from the manufacturer since 2019.

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

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