INEL points out lack of standard in the MMGD connection process

According to the report, there is no uniformity in relation to documents requested and deadlines met, for example
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03-05-22-canal-solar-INEL aponta falta de padrão no processo de conexão da MMGD
INEL observed several problems experienced by consumers accessing their MMGD centers. Photo: Envato Elements

O INEL (National Institute of Clean Energy), through the Connection Working Group, delivered this Monday (2) to ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) a report with the aim of seeking solutions for the advancement of distributed generation in Brazil.

The document collected information from consumers who own MMGD plants (distributed micro and mini generation) about the problems experienced in relation to the connection of the projects.

According to INEL, there is a lack of standardization in the procedures adopted by concessionaires and distribution licensees when complying with MMGD, whether in relation to documents requested, deadlines met or responses and understandings passed on to consumers.

André Pepitone recebeu para uma reunião representantes do INEL. Foto: ANEEL/Reprodução
André Pepitone received representatives from INEL for a meeting. Photo: ANEEL/Reproduction

“GD, in recent years, has consolidated itself as an important alternative for captive consumers interested in generating their own energy, resulting in high growth in the modality and a consequent generation of jobs in several Brazilian states, due to the dispersion of exploration. of distributed generation”, said the text.

“However, despite the regulation of part of the connection procedures by ANEEL, we still do not observe, in practice, a standard. In this way, it has become common to observe several problems experienced by consumers accessing the connection to their MMGD centers”, they pointed out.

As a result, the group organized the main problems reported, separating them in relation to each distributor analyzed, suggesting, in the end, possible changes and solutions so that one of the objectives of the GD Legal Framework can be fulfilled (Law 14,300/2022): “the adoption of standardization in the MMGD connection process by all distributors”, highlighted INEL.

André Pepitone, general director of ANEEL, praised the quality of the report and stressed the importance of maintaining open dialogue. He also reinforced that the Agency will take into consideration the points raised, and presented suggestions and data that will allow the search for new solutions, in addition to allowing the evolution of DG regulation.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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