Innovation and technology in new microinverters for the Brazilian market

QT2D and DS3D models, from APsystems, are disruptive and serve more than 80% of photovoltaic installations in the country
Ecori lança na Intersolar o microinversor Apsystem DS3D
DS3D microinverter, from Apsystem, was launched by Ecori at Intersolar

When Steve Jobs announced the first iPhone in January 2007, the world realized it was something revolutionary. Our relationship with phones would never be the same again. 

They were leaving that level of just allowing us to talk to other people to reach much higher heights. 

The iPhone ushered in the era of big-screen smartphones, with apps, and allowed us to take the first steps towards having small computers in the palm of our hands. From time to time we come across revolutions like that.

All things considered, this is a moment of revolution also for our photovoltaic solar energy sector. 

We are facing launches for MLPE technology that bring innovation, high technology and flexibility to projects of all sizes. These are disruptive products with an excellent cost-benefit ratio. 

I'm talking about two microinverters that we presented first-hand in Brazil during Intersolar – and which are expected to be available in the first quarter of next year. APsystems' QT2D and DS3D microinverters make a perfect match for high-power solutions and can be combined with 670W+ panels.

We are at a time of broad expansion in the photovoltaic sector, not only due to the economic advantages of reducing the cost of electrical energy, but also due to the need to change energy matrices to renewable solutions, such as solar. 

This is a global movement, as we saw reinforced during the United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP 26), in Glasgow, Scotland, in November. And in Brazil we have plenty of sun, this natural wealth.

The first disruptive innovation is the most powerful three-phase microinverter in the world, the QT2D, a category in which APsystems has always stood out from the competition for delivering truly three-phase equipment. 

It comes to revolutionize the market for installations with a commercial profile. It has 3600 W of power and offers an excellent cost-benefit ratio without giving up all the added value that the APsystems microinverter topology delivers to our sector. And we are not exaggerating. 

The QT2D works with eight modules of up to 670 W+, supports higher open circuit voltage (VOC) and short circuit current (ISC) and was designed for the Latin American market.

Along with it, the DS3D model also arrives, from the third generation of single-phase microinverters from APsystems. With 2000 W of power, this equipment is fully compatible with the rapid advancement of module technology offered to our market, bringing with it all the added value of systems with MLPE technology and, mainly, with the recognized quality of APsystems. 

It is the most powerful single-phase dual microinverter on the Brazilian market. This product can work with up to four 670 W+ modules. It is a very interesting solution, in line with the advancement of technology.

And as Steve Jobs liked to say in his legendary product presentations, “there is one more thing”: the design of the two microinverters was restyled to make them lighter and allow for better technical and thermal performance. 

This makes equipment more efficient. Safety, which is a non-negotiable value for both Ecori and APsystems, is maintained in these microinverters even considering the electrical quantities of high-power equipment (both modules and microinverters). 

And our installation partners will like the versatility of the devices, easily adapted to photovoltaic solutions of various sizes. With these two microinverters it is possible to create projects for most customer demands. We are very excited to bring these two microinverters to the Brazilian market!

Picture of Rodrigo Matias
Rodrigo Matias
Commercial Director at Ecori Energia Solar. Specialist in sales of MLPE solutions, he began his career in the GD market in 2015 as an integrator and installer. Graduated in Electrical Engineering with an emphasis on Telecommunications from Centro Universitário Salesiano - UNISAL and Technician in Electrotechnics from Centro Paula Souza, he has accumulated international experience in the European (Italy) and Asian (China) markets, in addition to a stint at the largest electricity distributor in the country as after sales and customer success manager.

11 Responses

  1. It's great to have increasingly powerful microinverters, as well as being easier to install, they're also better aesthetically pleasing.

  2. It's great to have increasingly powerful microinvectors, as well as being easier to install, they're also aesthetically better.

  3. In relation to the QS1A, in a scenario of equal characteristics, how many more percent will the DS3D be able to deliver in efficiency?
    Let's say that with Qs1A 4 modules of 535 watts on a perfect day generates 24 kWh, how much would the DS3D generate?

  4. I had the opportunity to learn a little about these two new pieces of equipment at the Ecori stand set up at the 6th CBGD that took place in Salvador, I liked the new feature and I believe it will be well used in several projects due to its versatility.

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