More Light for the Amazon could reach 1.5 GW of off-grid solar systems in 2030

Study prepared by IEMA sought to identify the supply and decommissioning capacity of equipment in the region
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Canal Solar Mais Luz para Amazônia pode chegar a 1,5 GW de sistemas solares off-grid em 2030
Iema study shows challenges for installing systems. Photo: Disclosure

The construction of a database on off-grid systems, the creation of regional equipment distribution centers and the decentralization of labor are some of the recommendations presented in the study dedicated to evaluating the feasibility of installing and decommissioning energy. solar photovoltaic in remote communities in the Legal Amazon region, prepared by IEMA (Institute of Energy and Environment). 

The study sought to identify the challenges for implementing the technology in all 219,221 units that could benefit from the Mais Luz para Amazônia program, whose proposal is to promote universal access to electricity through the implementation of off-grid photovoltaic systems.

The researchers used two scenarios considering a period of 32 years, one with consumption of 45 kWh/month per unit (A) and the other with consumption of 180 kWh/month (B). To meet the demand in scenario A, 3 million devices with lithium-ion batteries would be needed and, to meet scenario B, 12 million with lead-acid batteries. 

According to calculations, in 2030, the program's installed capacity will reach 363 MWp in scenario A and 1,318 MWp in scenario B. 

As for battery technology, what was found is that the lead-acid battery has a lower price, low implementation complexity, eliminates the need for temperature control and has a mature logistics and recycling chain. 

On the other hand, the lithium-ion battery has more durability, shorter recharging time and longer discharging and charging times, reducing the need for replacements and maintenance throughout the system's useful life.

The study also identified that the solar grid in the country is still focused on on-grid and that there are a small number of integrating companies in the North region, which reflects the lack of specialized labor. The lack of data on off-grid systems is also a bottleneck.

The study also focused on the environmental impacts that the inadequate disposal of this equipment can cause in a region with a sensitive ecosystem and a low level of basic sanitation.

At the end of the useful life of the systems installed by the program, between 71 thousand and 237 thousand tons of waste would be produced, and reverse logistics for these components is practically non-existent in the Legal Amazon. 

The Legal Amazon is made up of all the states of Acre, Amapá, Amazonas, Mato Grosso, Pará, Rondônia, Roraima and Tocantins and part of the state of Maranhão.

Click to read the study: Photovoltaic Systems in the Legal Amazon: Assessment and Proposal of Public Policies for the Universalization of Electricity and Reverse Logistics

Picture of Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire is a journalist graduated from FMU. He worked as a reporter for Jornal da Energia, Canal Energia and Agência Estado. He has covered the electricity sector since 2011. He has experience in covering events, such as energy auctions, conventions, lectures, fairs, congresses and seminars.

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