Legal framework for green hydrogen is approved by the Senate

The project returns to the Chamber for House approval and then becomes law
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Marco legal do hidrogênio verde é aprovado pelo Senado
Senate approves the green hydrogen bill. Photo: Jonas Pereira/Agência Estado/Disclosure

O regulation mark for the production of green hydrogen was approved in Senate this Wednesday (03). 

The text main PL (Bill)  2.308/2023 had already been approved at the end of June, but four highlights remained to be voted on.

O PL authored by deputy Gilson Marques (Novo-SC), defines rules and benefits to stimulate the hydrogen industry fuel in Brazil and aims to contribute to decarbonizing the Brazilian energy matrix. 

The senator Otto Alencar (PSD-BA), which is the project rapporteur, made changes to the original text and complied some amendments. With this, the project now returns to the Chamber.

However, the highlights that were pending were rejected during assessment.

The proposal creates the National Low Carbon Emission Hydrogen Policy, which refers to the National Hydrogen Program; the PHBC (Low Carbon Emission Hydrogen Development Program), the Brazilian Hydrogen Certification System; and Rehidro (Special Incentive Regime for the Production of Low-Carbon Emission Hydrogen). 

The text aims produce green hydrogen through renewable energy, such as solar, wind, hydraulic, biomass, ethanol, biogas, biomethane, landfill gases, geothermal “and others to be defined by the public authorities”.

O project will encourage the production of green hydrogen including that obtained from renewable sources, such as that produced from biomass, ethanol and other biofuels, and electrolytic hydrogen, produced by electrolysis of water. To do this, it will use renewable energies such as wind, hydraulic, biomass, ethanol, biogas, biomethane, landfill gases, geothermal, among others that can be defined. 

With information from Agência Senado

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Picture of Viviane Lucio
Viviane Lucio
Journalist graduated from UNIP (Universidade Paulista) and specialist in scientific journalism from Unicamp (Universidade Estadual de Campinas). He has experience in producing news, reports, photography, communications and press consultancy.

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