Minas Gerais receives R$ 405 million to promote the solar sector

Own generation of photovoltaic energy in the state has already generated more than 50,600 jobs
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06-05-22-canal-solar-Minas Gerais recebe R$ 405 milhões para fomentar setor solar
Solar has already brought Minas Gerais more than R$ 8.8 billion in new investments. Photo: Ricardo Coutinho

O BMDG (Development Bank of Minas Gerais), with the support of ABSOLAR (Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association), announced that it will make available around R$ 405 million to support the growth of solar in Minas Gerais.

The resources were released last Tuesday (6) during the ABSOLAR Workshop, held in the auditorium of the FIEMG (Federation of Industries of the State of Minas Gerais) building, in Belo Horizonte (MG).

According to the company, the credit aims to enable new investments for the Minas Gerais territory, generating more jobs and income for the population.

Furthermore, it aims to stimulate the development of new business opportunities for entrepreneurs and expand access to solar energy for residential consumers, productive sectors, agribusiness and the state's public sector.

For Marcelo Bonfim, president of BDMG, the contributions will guarantee a greater insertion of photovoltaic sources in the region and ensure the population's electrical supply.

“This year, the bank has already disbursed around R$ 80 million for energy efficiency projects and clean energy generation, including solar. We will continue to identify opportunities to diversify the state’s electricity matrix, stimulating regional development in line with the UN’s sustainable development objectives”, he emphasized.

According to Bruno Catta Preta, state coordinator of ABSOLAR in MG, the advancement of solar in Brazil, via large plants and self-generation in homes, small businesses, rural properties and public buildings, is fundamental for social, economic and environmental development. from Brazil.

“Thus helping to diversify the country’s electricity supply, reducing pressure on water resources and the risk of a red flag on the population’s electricity bill”, he highlighted.

“The state of Minas Gerais is currently an important center for solar development. Photovoltaic technology represents enormous potential for generating jobs and income, attracting private investment, supporting sustainability and combating climate change”, he concluded.

Solar energy in MG

Rodrigo Sauaia, executive president of ABSOLAR, highlighted that, since 2012, own generation of photovoltaic energy has already brought Minas Gerais more than R$ 8.8 billion in new investments, generating more than 50.6 thousand jobs and providing revenue collection more than R$ 1.8 billion to public coffers.

“The territory of Minas Gerais, a leader in small and medium-sized solar energy, accounts for 16.8% of all installed power in the modality, with around 1.7 GW in operation”, he pointed out.

“The state has 148,717 operational connections, spread across 850 cities, or 99.6% of the 853 municipalities in the region. Currently, there are 198,854 electricity consumers who already have a reduction in their electricity bill, greater autonomy and electrical reliability”, he added.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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