World needs to double production of components for PV panels by 2030, warns IAE

Agency report highlights that global supply chains need to be more diversified to ensure CO₂ reduction targets
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Mundo precisa dobrar produção de componentes para painéis FV até 2030, alerta IAE
Solar power plant in China. Photo: Envato Elements

O world will need to double its current production capacity for components in less than eight years Painéis photovoltaics, as polysilicon, wafers, cells It is modules, to ensure the supply of equipment and also achieve global CO₂ reduction targets.

Which is points out a statement issued this Thursday (07) for the IEA (International Energy Agency, its acronym in English). According to the report, the countries need to start expanding solar panel manufacturing beyond their current bases, which today are concentrated in China to achieve the aforementioned objectives.

According to the Agency, Chinese industrial and innovation policies focused on expanding production and markets for solar panels helped solar energy become a more accessible technology today for all. However, highlights that This expansion has led to imbalances in supply chains around the world. 

“Global solar panel manufacturing capacity has increasingly moved from Europe, Japan and the United States in the last decade to China, which has taken the lead in investment and innovation”, highlights the document.

Because of this, China's share of key solar panel manufacturing stages today exceeds 80% for key elements including polysilicon and wafers. This, according to the report, is expected to increase to more than 95% in the coming years, based on current manufacturing capacity under construction.  

“China has been instrumental in reducing the global costs of solar photovoltaics, with multiple benefits for clean energy transitions,” he said Fatih Birol, executive director of the IEA. 

“At the same time, the level of geographic concentration in global supply chains also presents potential challenges that governments need to address. Accelerating clean energy transitions will put more pressure on these supply chains to meet growing demand, but it also provides opportunities for other countries to help other regions diversify production and make them more resilient,” he highlighted.

Global goals

According to the IEA, meeting international energy and climate goals requires global solar energy deployment to grow on an unprecedented scale. “This, in turn, requires a major additional expansion in manufacturing capacity, raising concerns about the world’s ability to quickly develop resilient supply chains.” 

As an example, the entity cites that annual additions of solar capacity to electricity systems around the world need to more than quadruple by 2030 to be on track to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. 

“As countries accelerate their efforts to reduce emissions, they need to ensure that their transition to a sustainable energy system is built on a secure foundation,” Birol said. “Solar PV global supply chains will need to be scaled up to ensure they are resilient, affordable and sustainable.”

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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