Businesses in ML grow by 118% and reach the highest financial volume in history

There were R$ 4.8 billion in business in October, compared to R$ 4.23 billion in January, which was previously considered the best month
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October was the month with the highest financial volume in the ACL (Free Contracting Environment) in history. In total, there were R$ 4.8 billion in business in the ML (free market), an increase of 118% compared to September. This is what the BBCE (Brazilian Energy Trading Counter) pointed out.

According to the platform, the amount last month is greater than the R$ 4.23 billion obtained in January, which until then was the best month for negotiations in the energy ML.

“The increase in transactions is a victory. This demonstrates the confidence of agents and contributes to greater liquidity for the market”, highlighted Bernardo Marangon, specialist in electricity markets and director of Exata Energia.

“An important initiative being led by BBCE is the energy trading environment through derivatives, which will certainly be essential for the evolution of the sector”, added the expert.

Another highlight highlighted by BBCE was the October operating result, which also showed an increase. 19.6 thousand GWh (7,733 thousand contracts) were traded, the best result since March.

The volume represents a growth of 31% compared to September 2020, as well as being 51% higher compared to October 2019.

“We are seeing a huge growth in migrations to ML. This movement is always intensified by the reduction in energy prices, which occurred during this pandemic period, bringing more advantageous conditions for consumers”, concluded Marangon.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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