Reservoir levels are stable and above 60%, points out ONS

Operator lists that the success of the capacity is due to the use of different sources for power supply
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Reservatórios acima de 60%
Brazilian reservoirs work above 60%. Photo: Senado Agency/Reproduction

You Brazilian subsystem reservoir levels are stable: above 60%, as indicated by the PMO (Monthly Operation Program), published by ONS (National Electric System Operator), referring to the week of March 23rd and 29th. 

The Operator states that stability is due to the administration of sources which will be used to supply energy, since the water flow is lower than expected for the time of year. 

A The expectation is that the percentages for stored energy will continue with capacity above 60% next week. According to the ONS, the subsystem reservoirs are as follows: 

  • North: with 95.8%;
  • North East: with 71,3%;
  • Southeast/Midwest: with 67.5%;
  • South: 66,5%.

According to the PMO, between the 23rd and 29th of this month, rain is expected in the North region, resulting in an increase in the capacity of the subsystem's reservoirs.

“In the week of March 23 to 29, precipitation should occur in the basins of the Paranapanema, Tietê, Grande, Paranaíba rivers, in the main channel of the Paraná and in the upper São Francisco. The river basins in the North region experience rain showers”, says the report. 

The ONS projection still points to an acceleration in demand from the SIN (National Interconnected System) and subsystems of the order of 6.7% (94,691 MWmed) in March this year compared to the same period in 2022. 

The largest percentage increase is expected for the Northeast region, with 9.5% (13,587 MWmed) of expansion, followed by 7.5% (7,420 MWmed); Southeast/Central-West, with 6.9% (48,623 MWmed); and South, with 3.2% (15,061 MWmed).

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