ABNT reinforces technical standards in dealing with disasters

Brazilian Standards provide guidance for improving the handling of all types of incidents
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ABNT reforça normas técnicas no enfrentamento a desastres
The objective is to inform society, through normative documents, how to act in cases of natural disasters. Photo:Agência Brasil/Reproduction

In view of the disasters that has happened at the Brazil, such as floods and landslides, ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Standards) published a series of standards for assistant at the coping in accidents natural and man-made.

O goal main is inform the society, through in regulatory documents, how to act in cases of natural disasters. 

According to Agency, they were selected standards of collection security and resilience" for guide the public about about security, prevention and resilience in continuity of activities socioeconomic, helping at resumption in business and on reduction of the impacts of situations of emergency.

According to Mario William Esper, president from the ABNT, the multiple activities of management incidents are usually shared in between organizations of the third sector, and agencies, private sector, entities regional and governments, in different areas of activity. "AND necessary guidance all parties involved on how to prepare and to implement The management in incidents”, he highlighted.

The following documents are part of the Collection:

  • ABNT PR 1021 -City operations center − Implementation in cities;
  • ABNT NBR 9077 – Emergency exits in buildings;
  • ABNT NBR 15219 – Emergency plan − Requirements and procedures;
  • ABNT NBR 16901, Management of contaminated areas − Plan for deactivation of projects with potential for contamination – Procedure.
  • ABNT ISO/TS 22317, Security and resilience − Business continuity management systems − Guidelines for business impact analysis (BIA);
  • ABNT NBR ISO 22301, Security and resilience − Business continuity management system – Requirements;
  • ABNT NBR ISO 22320, Security and resilience − Emergency management − Guidelines for incident management;
  • ABNT NBR ISO 22322, Safety of society – Emergency management – Guidelines for public notice;
  • ABNT NBR ISO 22361, Security and resilience − Crisis management – Guidelines;
  • ABNT NBR ISO 37123, Sustainable cities and communities − Indicators for resilient cities.

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Picture of Yvana Leitão
Yvana Leitão
Producer of the Papo Solar Podcast. He has experience producing and preparing journalistic articles. Graduated in journalism from the Escola Superior de Administração, Marketing e Comunicação de Campinas.

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