Petrobras will invest in research for green hydrogen with solar energy

To serve the pilot electrolysis plant, the solar plant will have its capacity expanded from 1 MWp to 2.5 MWp
Estudo avaliará o comportamento da produção de hidrogênio com fonte variável e o desempenho da queima do combustível com o gás natural
Alto Rodrigues Photovoltaic Plant, in Rio Grande do Norte. Image: Luiz Fernando Almeida Fontenele / Petrobras Agency

A Petrobras will invest R$ 90 million to study the production of green hydrogen, carrying out electrolysis from the photovoltaic plant of Alto Rodrigues, located in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. 

The challenge of the study is to understand the behavior of fuel production considering that the energy source is intermittent. The project is in partnership with the Institute Senai of Renewable Energy (ISI-ER).

To serve the electrolysis pilot plant, the solar plant will have its capacity increased from 1 MWp to 2.5 MWp.

“One of the big themes in relation to low-carbon hydrogen is the operation of electrolysis technology directly connected to the renewable energy source, with its intermittent characteristics. One of the objectives of this project is to advance our knowledge about this type of operation,” he said. Maurício Tolmasquim, director of Energy Transition and Sustainability.

According to Petrobras, the hydrogen produced will also be used to evaluate the performance of hydrogen combustion with natural gas.

“Among the benefits for the company are the development of knowledge about the behavior of equipment due to the mixture of hydrogen with natural gas, targeting business models of interest to the company. This is yet another initiative that will contribute to the analysis of the economic viability of projects for the production of low-carbon hydrogen and its derivatives”, he states. Jean Paul Prates, president of Petrobras.

Throughout the partnership between Petrobras and Senai ISI-ER, the following stand out: the installation of a meteorological station and the operation and maintenance of a high-concentration photovoltaic system; studies of the influence of thermal effects on the modeling of wind resources and centralized photovoltaic generation and their impact on the electrical system and the development of methodologies for measuring and evaluating offshore wind potential.

Green Hydrogen Course: Technologies, Costs and Energy Transition in Brazil


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Picture of Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire is a journalist graduated from FMU. He worked as a reporter for Jornal da Energia, Canal Energia and Agência Estado. He has covered the electricity sector since 2011. He has experience in covering events, such as energy auctions, conventions, lectures, fairs, congresses and seminars.

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