PL 2703: next steps after approval in the Chamber

It is necessary to understand that, to modify Law 14,300, there are more steps to be taken
PL 2703: próximos passos após aprovação na Câmara
With 260 votes in favor and 83 against, PL 2703/2022 was approved this Tuesday (6) by the Chamber of Deputies. Photo: Reproduction

A approval of PL 2703 in Chamber of Deputies was received with optimism by the solar sector, as it could change the deadline of Law 14,300 and postpone the new rules for photovoltaic distributed generation to July 2023.

Despite the approval in the Chamber, it is necessary to understand that there are more steps to be taken before the extension of the deadline can be successful, after all, the PL needs to follow the procedural rite to then modify Law 14,300.

So what are the next steps?

Before understanding what will come, it is necessary to understand the process from the beginning.

Chamber of Deputies

The first step was taken on November 1st with the presentation of PL 2703/2022 in the Chamber by deputy Celso Russomanno.

The author explained to Canal Solar that the motivation was to defend consumers who wish to generate their own energy and who have been harmed by difficulties imposed by distributors.

Days later, on November 7, an urgent request was submitted for the proposal to be processed urgently.

O application was approved on November 22nd and the PL began to be processed in emergency regime. Which meant that the proposal could be discussed at any time in the following sessions of the Plenary of the Chamber of Deputies.

With the application approved, deputy Beto Pereira was appointed as rapporteur of the text.

Remembering that the appointment of a rapporteur is part of the processing of all bills. In this case, the author of the PL 2703 project is the deputy Celso Russomanno and the rapporteur is the deputy Beto Pereira.

The rapporteur's role is to read the text presented by the author and prepare an opinion. This report is read in the plenary before discussion and voting on the proposal begins.

With the rapporteur appointed and the report prepared, it is expected that the PL will be placed for discussion and voting on the agenda.

The Agenda is published by the Chamber before the day of the session. It contains all the items that should be appreciated. It is important to highlight that according to the internal regulations, the first items to be voted on are the requests and matters that appear on the Agenda.

Also according to the Chamber's internal regulations, urgent projects have preference.

The first time PL 2703 was included in the Agenda was on November 23rd. However, it was not discussed in the Plenary. The same happened on November 29th and 30th and December 1st.

Then, after being included four times on the agenda, the proposal was finally considered by deputies on December 6th and, despite a request asking for it to be removed from the agenda, the bill was approved by 260 votes in favor against 83.

federal Senate

Having understood the steps already taken, we will know what the next ones will be.

With approval in the Chamber of Deputies, the proposal goes to the Federal Senate. After receiving the proposal in the Senate, there are several paths, depending on the decisions taken by the senators.

In a scenario in which senators analyze and approve the text, it is subject to sanction or veto by the President of the Republic, who has a period of 15 working days to sanction or veto the project, in whole or in parts.

If senators make changes, the text returns to the Chamber of Deputies, which only analyzes the changes, choosing to accept them or recover the original text approved by the deputies. And then, the text is forwarded to the president for sanction, respecting the 15-day deadline mentioned above.

If the PL is not approved, the proposal is archived and Law 14,300 does not undergo the changes proposed by PL 2703.

It is important to highlight that, due to the Senate recess, PL 2703 must be voted on by December 22nd. This is because the recess begins on the 23rd and only ends in February, almost a month after the start date of Law 14,300.

Sanction or veto by the president

In a scenario where the president sanctions the text without vetoes, it becomes Law and is published in the DOU (Official Gazette of the Union).

If there are vetoes, the sanctioned part becomes Law and is published in the DOU and the vetoes are returned for analysis by the National Congress in a joint session of the Chamber and the Senate.

If these vetoes are maintained, the Law remains as it was sanctioned. If the vetoes are overturned, the sections become part of the law.

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

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