Electricity bill portability bill will be voted on at the end of the month

The proposal aims to allow all consumers to purchase energy on the free market
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01-10-21-canal-solar-PL da portabilidade da conta de luz será votado no final do mês

Voting on the electricity bill portability bill (PL 1917/15), which reformulates several points of the legal framework of the Brazilian electricity sector, was scheduled for October 26th. 

The decision was taken on Tuesday (28), in the Chamber of Deputies, after agreement between the members of the special committee, which debates the matter, and which also included a request for a joint view. 

According to the proposal, authored by deputy Marcelo Squassoni (PRB-SP), from six years after the measure becomes law, all users, regardless of their level of consumption, will be able to purchase energy on the free market, where tariffs are agreed between consumers and producers, through marketing agents. 

According to the PL, so that this choice can be made by small residential consumers, the relationship with distributors will be maintained only for the distribution service, while there will be freedom to purchase electricity. 

Free choice of supplier will be allowed to consumers, whose load is equal to or greater than 3 thousand kW, served at any voltage. To this end, it will be up to the MME (Ministry of Mines and Energy) to edit the standard to reduce the minimum contracting obligation.

According to the text, this minimum requirement will drop to 1,000 kW, after 12 months of the law coming into force. The project says that this minimum consumption will fall to 500 kW, after 24 months, to 300 kW, after 48 months and, finally, after 60 months, the minimum load requirement does not apply to Group A consumers, served at the same voltage or greater than 2.3 kV. 

“With the exercise of the purchase option by consumers, the level of competition between generation agents increases, which favors the search for greater efficiency in the electrical sector, the exploration of other energy sources, the rational use of energy resources and cost reduction”, says the justification document for PL 1917/15.

Read more: Senate approves incentive for solar energy through real estate financing

Source: Câmara de Notícias Agency

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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