Port of Suape opens tender for construction of green hydrogen plant

Investment is around US$ 3.5 billion; Interested companies can submit proposals until September 27th
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O Port of Suape published this Tuesday (30) a public call notice for companies interested in building a green hydrogen (H2V) in leasing area of your Port Industrial Complex.

According to the document, companies interested in installing an industrial plant producing green hydrogen have until September 27th to submit their proposals.

O Estimated investment is approximately US$ 3.5 billion, with 1 GW of electrolysis capacity and an area of 72.5963 hectares. The lease will be for 25 years, with an extension for an equal period possible. The area is located outside the Organized Port polygon, being directly administered by the port state-owned company.

At future factory, H2V, the fuel of the future, will be produced from the desalination of seawater. The public call also includes two industrial units producing blue hydrogen from the reforming of methane vapor as an input for subsequent production of ammonia in two other units to be also implemented in Suape.

“Green hydrogen is a global trend, with enormous investment potential for the country. Bringing this type of enterprise to Suape means opening up a range full of opportunities to promote the production chain, new jobs and guarantee the sustainability of the environment”, he stated. Geraldo Julio, Secretary of Economic Development of the State of Pernambuco.

With high potential for energy generation without carbon dioxide emissions, green hydrogen is obtained from the electrolysis plant, which separates oxygen and hydrogen from water.

It is called green because the unit that produces it works from 100% renewable energy sources. H2V is an input for many industries, mainly on the European continent, and even exists as a fuel for vehicles. It is also used to produce ammonia, one of the main fertilizers for agribusiness, of which Brazil is one of the most important producers in the world.

According to Roberto Gusmão, CEO of Suape, large enterprises have already shown interest in the area and some Memorandums of Understanding have been signed with the state-owned company.

“Suape is a large condominium that brings together several promising business opportunities. Currently, there are 224 companies operating in the industrial zone, generating more than 40 thousand jobs and income for the population. The arrival of a plant of this size, in addition to reinforcing our commitment to sustainability, shows that the port has a lot of potential to become one of the most important berths on the continent and in the world”, highlighted Gusmão.

Tech Hub

Recently, the Suape Port Industrial Complex launched the TechHub, digital marketing platform for green hydrogen, which will be used to manage the production, transport, storage and management of green hydrogen in the port industrial zone.

The initiative, in partnership with CTG Brazil, Senai National Department, Senai Pernambuco and the State government, aims to make Suape a space for research, development and innovation focused on the fuel of the future. There is already an area designated for the implementation of research projects in the port area. The planned investments are in the order of R$ 45 million.

“With the launch of the Tech Hub, we took a very important step towards transforming the complex into a living laboratory for research, development and innovation focused on sustainable fuel. And now, with this public call, the complex will be at the forefront of clean energy production, attracting major players on the national and international scenes”, he pointed out. Carlos Cavalcanti, director of Environment and Sustainability at the state-owned port company.

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

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