President of Aldo highlights challenges in the solar market for 2021

The manufacturer out there is ready to serve us and Aldo is also ready to start a wonderful 2021
4 minute(s) of reading
06-11-20-canal-solar-Presidente da Aldo destaca desafios do mercado solar para 2021

“For 2021, the challenges remain quite significant.” This is what Aldo Teixeira, president of Aldo Solar, said.

The executive participated in the podcast Papo Solar and said that the Brazilian photovoltaic market will still face some international logistics problems, but will continue to grow due to its resilience.

“The manufacturer out there is ready to serve us and Aldo is also ready to start a wonderful 2021, because we have no doubt that, in addition to a dampened sale, which did not happen in 2020, the natural growth that was scheduled for next year. So, today I say that growing at least another 100-120% is very easy for next year”, highlighted Teixeira.

However, he commented that the logistics of delivering equipment via the sea route will continue to disrupt operations in the Brazilian market.

“Some indicators show that the problem of shipping routes from Asia to Brazil will still remain very delicate. Things can be unpredictable. Today, for example, we are receiving a large load of panels that should have been at Aldo 30 days ago”, he reported.

“It was not the fault of Aldo, the manufacturer or the exporter. We planned and so did they, but, simply put, the shipowners and owners of these ships skipped ports or did not collect, they did not have containers and equipment available. When, suddenly, the market heats up, it will take some time for this to get organized again, and that won't happen in the next three months. So, the biggest challenge for the beginning of 2021 continues to be international logistics for you to guarantee your space and have your goods available here at the appropriate time”, highlighted the president of Aldo.

“Aldo is ready to start a wonderful 2021”, says Aldo Teixeira, president of the company

Pandemic 'accelerates' news in the sector

During the podcast, Aldo Teixeira commented that the pandemic gave all major industries in China and other parts of the world a boost to improve their production and launch new products.

“At Aldo, during this time, we launched more than 4 thousand new generators. We were already creating plan A, B, C and so on. Photovoltaic is not just a system on the roof or in a ground installation, it is much bigger than that. So, we were able to show the market that you can offer the same customer four or five solar energy generation systems for different applications. This is very significant, because you leave complacency and try to find new situations, and the big manufacturers in Asia also brought this to us”, said the executive.

“The modules, for example, starting in a few more weeks, are starting to arrive here in Brazil, and I'm not talking about 600 W, 550 W panels, because these are more aimed at utility, centralized or these large plants that can be for remote consumption. I'm talking about new high-efficiency panels aimed at our Brazilian roof, for DG (distributed generation), and this starts at the end of this year, beginning of next year. Therefore, a wave of new plates is coming and, consequently, the market will upgrade”, emphasized Teixeira.

Resilience of the solar sector

The expert also commented that the Brazilian solar market, despite the Covid-19 pandemic, proved to be resilient compared to other sectors of the economy.

“The sector is very mature and consolidated. 2020 would be the year of more than three-digit growth, but with the coronavirus, obviously, this did not happen.

However, we can see a very exponential increase compared to 2019. We should grow by around 50-60% compared to last year”, he pointed out.

According to him, this growth amid the pandemic demonstrates that the Brazilian photovoltaic sector is not part of the problem, it is part of the solution.

“The sector guarantees employment, income, savings for families and companies and, above all, promotes sustainability. Talking about photovoltaics is talking about taking care of the air, taking care of CO₂. We all have to be united in our mission to bring solar power to all Brazilians”, he concluded.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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