Sector professionals give their opinion on the approval of PL 5829

GD's Legal Framework was approved with 98.7% of votes in the Chamber of Deputies
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Profissionais do setor opinam sobre aprovação do PL 5829
Photo: Disclosure

With collaboration by Mateus Badra and Ericka Araújo

Energy sector professionals, heard by the Solar Channel, gave their assessments of the approval of the replacement text of PL 5829, which aims to create the Legal Framework for GD (distributed generation) in Brazil.

The document received, this Wednesday (18), a favorable opinion from 476 of the 482 deputies who were present at the National Congress. Engineer Roberto Caurim, CEO of Bluesun, followed the vote and classified the result as an important step for the sector.

Learn more about the approval of PL5829 and the next steps

“The negotiation was very well conducted via ABGD, ABSOLAR and businesspeople. What GD gained most was security, stability, fundamental conditions for the growth and longevity of our segment”, he stated.

The executive also highlighted that, with the approval of the document, all Brazilians have reasons to celebrate. “We all win and, even with some taxation, with the development of technology and energy inflation, which are occurring at a rapid pace, this decision will be mitigated in a short time for payback purposes. Our sector is safe and I see this approval with great optimism”, he added.

The same was said by Ildo Bet, director of PHB Solar, who believes that approval is a great milestone for strengthening the market. He stated that the document has many favorable and controversial points, but that this is all part of the process.

“The project creates rules under which we can work in the coming years. Since the beginning of the REN 482 review process, we lived in a situation of uncertainty that unfortunately postponed many investments”, he commented.

For Carlos Evangelista, president of ABGD (Brazilian Association of Distributed Generation), the text rewards the work of associations and will “allow the sector to grow and balance, both for those who provide the infrastructure and for those who work in the segment, benefiting everyone . It was a consensus text that will allow us to continue growing at high rates”, he said.

Alysson Camilo, Head of Sales and Operations at SAJ in Brazil, believes that the advancement of PL 5829 for approval by the Senate will bring great benefits to Brazil. “We are experiencing a water crisis, which unfortunately forced the use of expensive and polluting thermoelectric plants. May the sun be the great star of the next chapter of our history. Forward solar energy and all other renewable energy sources”, he emphasized.

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Leandro Martins, president of Ecori Energia Solar, commented that he views the approval with caution and that, at the current time of water crisis – with the lack of electricity and the need for more clean sources – taxation only makes sense with triggers of solar relevance in the energy matrix.

“We recognize and thank the work of everyone who committed to this achievement. For now, the relevant victory is the acquired right, since the market rules will only be discussed after the law by the CNPE and ANEEL, which does not give the market long-term visibility”, he pointed out.

Hewerton Martins, president of MSL (Movimento Solar Livre), stated that, from now on, there will be more legal security for those who invested in photovoltaic energy and for those who invest in the coming months with zero taxation.

“It is important for everyone to know that after this transition period, there will be a presentation by ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) of some type of taxation or not. Therefore, the next 12 months will see a great expansion of solar energy in Brazil and then we will know what it will be like after the presentation of ANEEL’s calculations for the coming years”, he highlighted.

Ronaldo Koloszuk, president of the Board of ABSOLAR (Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association) and director of Solar Group, also took a stand. “The Legal Framework brings security to thousands of people who already knew that solar was a good business and are now going to invest.”

“This will generate thousands of jobs and will help all companies in our sector. This was a day for Brazil to celebrate, as we will have more clean and cheap energy at a time when we pay for very expensive energy from thermoelectric plants, which generate a red flag and are insufficient for Brazil's growth”, he concluded.

“The approved PL maintained the main recommendations of the sector and came at a good time for Brazilians, as own generation of solar energy is an excellent investment for citizens, companies and rural producers, with a return (payback) estimated at around four years on average in the country”, reported Rodrigo Sauaia, CEO of ABSOLAR.

“The solar source also helps to alleviate electricity costs and protects consumers from tariff increases and especially red flags”, concluded Sauaia.

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

One Response

  1. Thank you for the sector's approval, it's ok for me, I needed us to move forward, thanks, good afternoon Brazil.

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