Can any engineer sign photovoltaic projects?

Professionals seek training in electrical engineering to be technically responsible for photovoltaic installations
3 minute(s) of reading
06-12-21-canal-solar-Qualquer engenheiro pode assinar projetos fotovoltaicos
Electrical engineers are responsible for signing PV projects. Photo: Envato Elements

In the category of engineers, those who are classified as electricians are responsible for designing and executing photovoltaic projects, according to the article 8 of resolution no. 218, of 29/06/1973 of Crea/Confea.

Amid this scenario, professionals seek to train themselves to sign solar energy projects. As was the case of Lucas Henrique Fernandes, founder of Azzon Energia.

He was formed, firstly, as andproduction engineer. He was the designer and had partners to sign the projects. Then, when he opened the company, he felt the need to qualify and provide more security for customers.

“I then went back to college. The course had 45 subjects: I was exempt from 19, I validated 12 and I needed to take 14 subjects to graduate. In total, I studied for a year and a half and obtained a degree in Electrical Engineering,” he said.

“Now, I am responsible for Azzon in CREA (Regional Engineering and Agronomy Council) and therefore I can create ART (Technical Responsibility Note), both in individuals and legal entities”, he highlighted.

'Solar sector attracted me'

Before working in the photovoltaic market, Fernandes worked for almost seven years at GE (General Electric), a North American multinational with a unit in Campinas, in the interior of São Paulo, as a product development engineer for generators and electric motors.

“Some time passed and in 2015 I started researching and became interested in photovoltaic energy. A friend actually introduced me to solar and awakened this enthusiasm in me about the technology and all the good it could do for the planet, both in terms of electricity and sustainability”, he emphasized.

“In addition, I learned about the Canal Solar courses. I started with basic introduction to concepts and then I did advanced solar power plants. I recently joined the solar energy project course with battery storage”, he commented.

“Canal Solar’s courses even inspired me to go back to studying. The company has always been one of the main references for consultation and updating knowledge”, he reported.

The professional also highlighted that it was very valuable to acquire this knowledge, from creating the technology, developing projects and case studies, “in addition to meeting a lot of people and creating relationships with the other students that I now have as friends and work partners”.

Lucas Fernandes, fundador da Azzon Energia, buscou capacitação na área de engenharia elétrica.
Lucas Fernandes, founder of Azzon Energia, sought training in the area of electrical engineering

Training opened doors

After providing services to other companies, the engineer said he was prepared to open his own integrator. “In 2019 I founded Azzon Energia, in Araras (SP) and, after two and a half years, we reached 350 installations and four branches in strategic cities to support customers.”

Currently, in addition to graduating in Electrical engineering, Fernandes has an MBA in production management and specialization in renewable energy.

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'Being an electrical engineer means ensuring a green future'

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

2 Responses

  1. This story is really cool, I'm a civil engineer and I've been working with solar energy for 4 years... I'm thinking about doing electrical engineering. One question, is there the possibility of acquiring the responsibilities of article 8 of confea res218 by taking a postgraduate degree?

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