RenovaPR enables poultry farm project in the city of Dois Vizinhos (PR)

The system will have 136 solar panels totaling 51.68 kWp of power
RenovaPR viabiliza projeto em aviário na cidade de Dois Vizinhos (PR)
Image published by Paraná News Agency

The Paraná Renewable Rural Energy Program (RenovaPR) is making it possible to finance a photovoltaic project on a property with two poultry farms in the city of Dois Vizinhos (PR). 

According to Genir Cambruzzi, owner of the poultry farms, the prospect of reducing production costs was what sparked interest in the project financed by RenovaPR. “I will pay R$ 2 thousand per month, interest free. It’s less than the R$ 2.5 thousand that I currently pay in electricity bills”, he highlights.

“In poultry farming, if you want to have quality you have to keep the temperature in the shed at around 28º C at all times. With quality production you gain more market share. To do this, it needs electricity, which is increasing every month”, explains Cambruzzi. 

The system to be installed on the property will feature 136 solar panels totaling 51.68 kWp of power. The producer's expectation is that the photovoltaic system will be implemented in November. 


The program is aimed at rural producers in the state of Paraná who are looking to install photovoltaic systems or biodigesters. Projects must be presented at the municipal offices of the IDR-PR (Paraná Rural Development Institute).

 Read more: RenovaPR Program executed a thousand projects in two months

Until the beginning of November, IDR-PR sent 1,272 proposals to financial agents, of which 587 already have technical projects prepared for implementation and the financing process is in the final phase. 

Currently, the RenovaPR program has already invested more than R$ 99 million in renewable energy sources in the State.

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Redação do Canal Solar
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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