SAJ and its proposal to contribute to the future of solar energy in Brazil

Brazil is a strategic market as it offers gigantic growth potential in the solar market
SAJ e a sua proposta de contribuição para o futuro da energia solar no Brasil
SAJ strongly believes in the potential of the Brazilian solar photovoltaic market

According to updated data from ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency), solar DG (distributed generation) systems reached 9 GW of installed power. This is equivalent to two-thirds of the capacity of the Itaipu Hydroelectric Plant, the largest in the country.

Investments in solar energy over the last 10 years total R$ 48 billion and it is estimated that this was responsible for the generation of approximately 270 thousand jobs over the period.

Today, there are more than 800,000 photovoltaic systems connected to the Brazilian electricity grid. Small and medium-sized residential and commercial consumers account for 90% of the total installed projects. In addition to residential and commercial consumers, industrial, rural consumers and public authorities complete the range of users of this technology.

A SAJ believes strongly in the potential of the Brazilian solar photovoltaic market, and has already chosen the country as one of its main international markets for its brand expansion project. Recently, the company announced the launches of its new products for the year 2022.

The company, in addition to renewing the line R5, best-selling brand in Brazil, also announced its line of commercial inverters, the R6 line, which has powers between 15 kW and 50 kW. For the industrial market and solar plants, the company brings the C6 line of inverters to Brazil. The company informs that this line offers powers between 75 kW and 125 kW.

Brazil is not only a strategic market for SAJ as it offers gigantic growth potential in the solar market, but it also plays an important role as a producer and exporter of food commodities. And feeding a large part of the world, while setting a good example by showing its concern for producing more and more using an even cleaner and more sustainable energy matrix, is something that goes much further and makes the company's employees proud.

For more information about SAJ, visit the SAJ website company. And to follow the activities of 2022, stay connected to SAJ on social media, @saj_brasil.

Picture of Alysson Camilo
Alysson Camilo
Graduated in Business Administration, postgraduate in Strategic Business Management from Mackenzie University and also with academic training in Australia between 2000 and 2002. He has been operating in the Brazilian solar photovoltaic market since 2013. He had an important participation in the startups of ABB, Renesola and Astronergy /CHINT for the local market.

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