Clean energy systems in the field grow 40% in nine months at RenovaPR

Program from Paraná that aims to promote the generation of renewable sources for rural producers has even become an international case
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Sistemas de energia limpa no campo crescem 40% em nove meses no RenovaPR
Implementation of clean energy systems in the countryside takes a leap forward in Paraná. Photo: IDR/Disclosure

The generation of energy using renewable sources at the Paraná already totals more than 7.6 thousand projects installed through the RenovaPR program, which seeks to stimulate the energy transition in rural areas of Paraná. 

It is a increase of almost 40% in the number of connections in nine months, as in April 2023 the program had just over 5,500 systems installed. 

Created in 2021, the program today accumulates more than R$ 1.3 billion in investments, with interest subsidized by the Paraná Farmer's Bank – by which the State Government grants economic subsidies for taking credit for investments that seek to expand and modernize agricultural production.

All this volume represents an increase that exceeds four times the amounts accumulated up to April last year, which at the time totaled R$ 300 million. 

Increasingly renewable generation

Currently, in rural area of Paraná, about 18% of the energy generated comes from renewable sources, the second best index in Brazil, second only to the state of Minas Gerais (21.1%). A Solar energy is the main component of this transformation.

According to the State, farmers' own generation of clean energy brings savings, improves the competitiveness of Paraná products and enables more sustainable production. Between the main chains benefiting from the program in the region are poultry farming and the dairy cattle farming, Besides the agroindustry

In November last year, the RenovaPR was a theme at the International Conference on Public Participation and Information Technologies promoted by the E-Planning Consortium and the Department of Urban Studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in Cambridge, us U.S.


RenovaPR is a initiative aimed at producers interested in both the installation of solar energy as well as biodigesters that transform the biomass in energy. To move forward with the project, the producer needs to contact or seek information from the IDR-Paraná.

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Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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