Sun Mobi promotes solar energy subscription service in Santos

The aim is to expand access to photovoltaic technology in SP
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Sun Mobi promove serviço de assinatura de energia solar em Santos
The solar energy subscription service is provided by Sun Mobi photovoltaic plants, located in the cities of Porto Feliz (SP) and Araçoiaba da Serra (SP) and which are connected to the CPFL Piratininga distribution system. Photo: Sun Mobi

A Sun Mobi, company specialized in the remote generation of clean and renewable electricity, is responsible for carrying out the subscription service solar energy in Baixada Santista.

According to Sun Mobi, the aim is to expand the democratization of access to photovoltaic technology for consumers of the state of São Paulo, including Itu, Sorocaba, Jundiaí and Baixada Santista itself.

Bars and restaurants in Santos (SP) registered growth in the number of solar energy subscriptions between January and March this year. The increase was five times greater than the previous year.

In total, there are seventeen establishments that have solar energy in the municipality, and fourteen of them signed up in the first quarter of 2022, with a reduction of 10% in the electricity bill.

Second Alexandre Bueno, partner at Sun Mobi, The program is an alternative for consumers who rent properties, apartments or who are not yet able to invest in photovoltaic systems.

“Consumers have relief on their electricity bills for two reasons: firstly, they actively manage their consumption with the sensors and information made available by Sun Mobi and, secondly, due to the fact that the infamous tariff flags do not apply to the energy bills of the company’s customers” , explains Bueno.

With pandemic restrictions, the bar and restaurant sector has suffered considerably over the last two years. “Many closed their doors and those who managed to survive had to reinvent themselves with delivery, reduced working hours and adjustments in operating costs”, he comments.

Given this, small businesses decided to invest in energy efficiency, reflecting the growth in the use of solar energy in Baixada Santista.

With the end of safety restrictions due to the pandemic, the return of activities was more efficient and sustainable.

According to Alexandre’s analysis, “the segment is re-emerging even better and more mature, with new learning and new management models that prioritize the efficiency and sustainability of the business”, he concludes.

The company's expectation, according to the businessman, is to reach 6 thousand consumers served in the next three years.

Picture of Stella Miranda
Stella Miranda
Producer of Canal Responde and Solar em 60. She has experience in podcast production, preparation of journalistic articles, interviews and radio production. Student of Journalism at the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas.

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