Fronius technical training will resume this month

The company's headquarters, in São Bernardo do Campo, will welcome designers and other members of the solar market in Brazil
14-02-22-canal-solar-Treinamentos técnicos da Fronius serão retomados neste mês
Image for illustration purposes only. Photo: Fronius/Disclosure

On February 22nd, Fronius, based in São Bernardo do Campo (SP), will resume its in-person training. The inverter manufacturer re-examined the relevance of training once again having its audience on site, making the most of the exchange of information with technicians, installers, integrators, designers and other participants in the solar energy market in the country.

Fronius suspended in-person training, due to the pandemic, the company moved to home office work and, later, to the hybrid work model.

Now, the company analyzes that with the advancement of the vaccination campaign against the new coronavirus, almost two years after the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, the time has finally come to discuss and evaluate the concrete possibility of returning to face-to-face activities in companies.

“Online training has played a very important role in business development, not only for Fronius, but also for several companies, bringing an unprecedented volume of information. However, it is a great pleasure to resume face-to-face training, as I believe many people have missed it, not only because of getting their hands dirty, but also because of the importance of exchanging ideas and networking that takes place during this type of event. ”, assesses Ariel Martins, the company’s technical coordinator.

Fronius' objective, when resuming face-to-face training, is to present products and technical solutions, with a focus on benefits, technology and innovation, whether in the area of photovoltaic inverters, energy monitoring and storage, as well as water heating, batteries, hydrogen green and electric car chargers.

Security for participants

To participate in training, it is necessary to follow safety protocols against Covid-19. Fronius will send participants, one day before the training, a preventive form, which must be filled out with information about their health status, possible symptoms and contacts with people who presumably have had manifestations or even contagion from the virus.

During your stay at the company's premises, there will be a temperature check, mandatory use of masks throughout the period, hand hygiene with alcohol gel spread throughout all company premises, minimum necessary distance, hygiene and cleaning of the areas, the company will ask you to presentation of the vaccination card.

The training offered by the company will be free and taught by Fronius technicians. Interested parties must register via site of the company, the training will be monthly. The other training sessions are also already open and can be consulted here.

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Canal Solar editorial team
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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