Elite Troop calls on solar sector integrators

Free event, inspired by the two Brazilian films, will share experiences and lessons
O curso tem como um de seus diferenciais a realização de uma abordagem temática, inspirada no filme “Tropa de Elite'
The first and second edition of the event had an audience of approximately 100 and 150 people. Photo: Disclosure.

Attention integrators, what is your mission? It is with this militarized spirit that the 3rd edition of the Tropa de Elite da Energia course seeks to recruit integrators from the solar sector to share experiences and teachings of the profession. One of the course's differences is the implementation of a thematic approach, inspired by the film “Tropa de Elite”.

The creators, Tatiane Carolina and Natanea Guimarães, explain that the idea of the training is to offer personalized content in a practical and extroverted way, in order to facilitate the understanding of the concepts and help integrators not to lose sales, due to the competitiveness that exists in the sector.

The event will be held online and free of charge, between the 16th and 18th of November, always at 8pm, with a total duration of 6 hours. The classes will cover practices for good equipment management and notions of how to promote quality installations, promoting the growth of the sector and increasing results for companies.

“We started talking about the difficulties that some integrators have, in the sense that they are losing sales to those who do everything wrong due to price. From this, we realized that the market lacked better education for these integrators, in order to understand errors that occur in the management of their companies. Many do not intend to do a bad job, but simply do not know how to do it correctly”, explains Tatiane. 

She says that an example of this mismanagement occurs when pricing. “Many integrators do not have knowledge and when they issue reports and strategic GD readings on graphs, they have difficulty interpreting what those graphs mean to them”, he revealed. 

During the course, the two instructors – called captains – will provide this and other content to the integrators. The third edition of the event is sponsored by Genyx and also by the companies Kroma Energia and Luvik Software, in addition to the participation of Greener on November 17th. 

“At the first event, we were very afraid of it being a failure because it was different, in the sense that the sector was extremely conservative and out of nowhere a free training with two women appeared that mixed films with energy. In the end, everything worked out and was a success, so much so that we started to count on sponsors from the second and third edition onwards”, revealed Tatiane. 

The first and second editions of Tropa de Elite da Energia had an audience of approximately 100 and 150 people, in the first and second quarter of this year, respectively. For the new edition, more than 200 integrators have already registered, which can be done by clicking here.

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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