Solar plant will supply more than 50 Bradesco branches in Ceará

Implementation is the first of the 9 plants contracted with Enel X to come into operation
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13-04-23-canal-solar-Usina solar irá abastecer mais de 50 agências do Bradesco no Ceará
System was installed in the city of Quixeré (MG). Photo: Bradesco/Disclosure

O Bradesco has just opened a new solar power plant in Ceará, in Quixeré, which will supply more than 50 agencies in the region. This is the first delivery of the bank's distributed generation contract with Enel X, signed in 2021.

The 10-year agreement also provides for the construction of another eight plants in the states of Rio de Janeiro and Goiás – the latter expected to be operational in July and expected to supply another 60 branches.

In addition to the nine plants contracted with Enel

In total, the 13 projects will have a capacity of 14 MWmed and more than 30 thousand solar panels. In the future, the plants will be responsible for generating clean energy for almost 500 agencies – a saving of 12%.

The bank's expectation is that all plants will be operating by the end of 2023. “In 2020, we became the first financial institution to have 100% of operations supplied by electricity from renewable sources”, commented Adelmo Romero, director of Bradesco's assets.

“The inauguration of the new systems reaffirms our commitment to making Bradesco an increasingly sustainable company”, added the executive.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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