Solar plant brings energy 24 hours a day to riverside village in Acre

Before the installation of the plant, the energy supply was precarious, expensive and polluting, as the energy was generated by a diesel generator
Usina solar leva energia 24 horas por dia à vila ribeirinha no Acre
The plant has a power of 325 kWp and has 580 photovoltaic modules. Photo: Diego Gurgel/Secom Government of Acre

Around 200 riverside families in Vila Restauração (AC), located in a remote area of the Amazon region in Acre and close to the border with Peru, now have electricity 24 hours a day due to the installation of a solar plant on site with energy storage. energy. 

The plant has a power of 325 kWp and has 580 photovoltaic modules. Before the inauguration of the plant, held last week, residents only had electricity for three hours a day.

Furthermore, the energy supply was precarious, expensive and polluting, as energy was generated by a single diesel generator. According to the government of Acre, the generator consumed 1,700 liters of diesel per month, of which 1,000 liters were supplied by the Marechal Thaumaturgo city hall and the other 700 were shared by the community.

“Having electricity all day seems simple for those who live in the city, but for us here in Vila Restauração it is something that completely changes our lives. Now I will be able to drink cold water, store food without fear of it spoiling and I will be able to watch my Flamengo game whenever I want”, celebrated resident Deison Furtado.

The investment was approximately R$ 20 million. The works were carried out by Alsol, a renewable energy company belonging to the Energisa Group, and are part of Energisa's Research and Development and Energy Efficiency programs, both regulated by ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency).

“We are bringing sustainable development to those who live in one of the most remote regions of Brazil, within the Amazon Rainforest. Therefore, we decided to execute an innovative project with responsibility and low environmental impact. Providing electricity is more than providing a service. It's allowing access to something so essential for people to realize their dreams. Now, residents will be able to have appliances to store food and medicine, access to the internet and undertake business within the community”, highlighted José Adriano Mendes Silva, CEO of Energisa in Acre, during the inauguration event.

In addition to installing the plant, the company donated efficient consumption equipment. In total, 105 refrigerators, 50 freezers and a thousand light bulbs were replaced. According to Grupo Energisa, for the installation of the solar plant, a socio-environmental study was carried out to identify the community's vulnerabilities to execute the project, considering important aspects of sustainability and logistics during the works. The results of the project in Vila Restauração will serve to create a model to be replicated in other remote areas.

“The advancement of the electricity grid brings benefits locally and across the country. We are working intensely and have made robust investments to offer quality energy to people and promote sustainable development in the Amazon. Our entire strategy is based on 4D energy: decarbonized, decentralized, diversified and digitalized”, adds José Adriano Mendes Silva, CEO of Energisa in Acre.

The company will also monitor the system 24 hours a day remotely to monitor and record all operation. This way, it will be possible to act preventively and quickly if there is any need for maintenance.


The riverside community is located within the Alto Juruá Extractive Reserve, 70 km from the center of the municipality of Marechal Thaumaturgo (AC), close to the border with Peru. To reach the location, one of the most remote in Brazil, journeys that take four to ten hours in small boats are necessary, depending on river conditions. 

For this reason, most of the equipment for the construction of the plant, such as solar panels, batteries and converters, went by truck from Uberlândia (MG), Alsol's headquarters, to the city of Cruzeiro do Sul (AC), where there was a transshipment for ferries to complete river transport. Moving each batch sent took, on average, around 13 days – six on the road and another seven on waterways.

Basic sanitation and internet

With the arrival of energy, Vila Restauração will also have initiatives to improve local infrastructure. According to the government of Acre, new basic sanitation connections are being made within technical specifications. 

Furthermore, Energisa signed a partnership with the operator TIM to provide internet to residents and the village was chosen to receive the first 4G antenna in the region.

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

4 Responses

  1. I would like to know more about the value of the investment, it doesn't make much sense to invest 20 million in 580 photovoltaic modules. Plus the equipment, battery, inverters, etc…. Is there any way you can check this information??????????

    1. According to the State of Acre, Energisa's investment amounts to approximately R$ 20 million and is part of Energisa's Research and Development and Energy Efficiency programs, both regulated by ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency).

  2. Good afternoon Ericka Araújo, how are you?
    I have a photovoltaic kit installation company in Greater São Paulo and the north coast of São Paulo (between Bertioga and São Sebastião) –
    I am a subscriber to Canal Solar and I like to publish relevant reports on the progress of GD in Brazil on the company's Linkedin and personal profile.
    I wanted to copy the photo from your report to publish it, as well as the report – of course I always mention the source and author as well as the date of publication – for ethics
    I was disappointed not to be able to do so (copy the photo to attach to the report).
    Can you grant access to me?
    Yours sincerely
    Prof. Flavio Modesto dos Santos

  3. Congratulations on the article! It’s great to know that more Brazilians can benefit from this improvement. Fulfilling the dream of having cold water makes us question our way of life!

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