ABSOLAR and Government of SP discuss solutions to unlock solar DG in the region

Secretary asked the association to prepare a technical note detailing the cases that occurred and the impacts generated
Energia solar Canal Solar ABSOLAR e Governo de SP discutem soluções para destravar GD solar na região
Meeting between representatives of ABSOLAR and members of the State Government of SP. Image: ABSOLAR/Disclosure

A Difficulty in approving projects and approving requests for connection of photovoltaic systems by consumers in the state of São Paulo was the topic of a meeting this week between the Executive Secretary of the Civil House of the State of São Paulo, Edilson Costa, the state deputy, Danila Azevedo, It is members of ABSOLATE (Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association).

The association said, in a press release, that the government of the State of São Paulo wants to expand the commitment to act more diligently and rigor in recent cases of restriction of access to solar DG on roofs and small plots of land, currently imposed by electricity distributors that have concessions in the state of São Paulo.

“The Secretary was very sensitive to the topic and requested the preparation of a technical note with details of the cases that occurred and the impacts generated. This way, they will be able to continue with the appropriate procedures”, he commented. Guilherme Susteras, advisor and coordinator of the association's distributed generation working group.

Solar DG: loss of at least R$ 3 billion

Survey carried out by ABSOLATE pointed out that the difficulties in the solar DG market are having a financial impact the distributed generation market. “Own solar generation in homes, small businesses and rural properties has been subject to restrictions in recent months by several distributors in Brazil, with losses to society that add up, in just 30 days, to more than R$ 3 billion to the country, due to the suspensions and cancellations of electricity concessionaires in Brazil”, said the association in a note.

Distributors have already canceled and suspended more than 3 thousand connection requests, says ABSOLAR

O association mapping found more than 800 cases throughout Brazil, between July 14th and the beginning of August this year. The survey shows that there are around 1 GW in projects held back by electricity concessionaires, in a total of more than 3,100 connection requests canceled and suspended during the period.

“ABSOLAR defends that the consumer’s right to generate their own energy is preserved and that the right of integrating companies to carry out their work is also guaranteed by authorities and agents in the electricity sector”, concluded the association.

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

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