Agreement is signed to expand opportunities for solar companies in RJ

Cooperation between ABSOLAR and Sindistal aims to exchange information to promote photovoltaic sources
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09-09-22-canal-solar-Acordo é firmado para ampliar oportunidades às empresas de solar no RJ
Initiative aims to develop solar energy in Rio de Janeiro. Photo: Bruno dos Santos Pires de Souza

A ABSOLAR (Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association) and Sindistal (Electrical, Gas, Hydraulic and Sanitary Installation Industry Union of the State of Rio de Janeiro) signed an agreement to expand business opportunities for project and installation companies solar energy in Rio de Janeiro territory.

The partnership also provides for the development of joint actions by entities in the training, training and certification of companies and professionals working in the photovoltaic segment in the state.

Among the work priorities, the following stand out: exchanging information and carrying out actions to promote issues of common interest in relation to the development of public policies, programs and incentives for the use of solar energy.

According to ABSOLAR, the territory of Rio de Janeiro currently has 55,800 operational solar energy connections on roofs, facades and small plots of land. The region has 472.8 MW in operation in homes, businesses, industries, rural properties and public buildings.

Since 2012, the photovoltaic source has provided Rio de Janeiro with attracting approximately R$ 2.6 billion in investments, generating more than 14.2 thousand jobs and collecting more than R$ 587.0 million for public coffers.

Currently, the state is in ninth position in the ABSOLAR national ranking, corresponding to 3.9% of all installed solar energy power in the modality. In total, there are more than 64,700 electricity consumers who already benefit from solar energy.

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For Rodrigo Sauaia, executive president of ABSOLAR, the agreement with Sindistal expands collaboration in favor of economic, social and environmental development in the municipalities of Rio de Janeiro.

“With this partnership, we intend to further develop and accelerate the use of photovoltaic technology, helping to save on electricity bills, protecting against tariff increases and bringing greater autonomy and electrical independence”, he emphasized.

“The sector is very optimistic about the new partnership and is prepared to contribute to the economic and sustainable recovery of the cities of Rio de Janeiro, also helping to achieve commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions”, added Camila Nascimento, state coordinator of ABSOLAR in Rio de Janeiro.

For Evandro de Freitas, president of Sindistal, the partnership inaugurates the joint development agenda of the solar market in the state of Rio de Janeiro, expanding the discussion and relevant actions to better inform and promote the segment.

“We must together expand the voice of the value chain, increasingly delivering better technical and engineering services and solutions to society, which generate an excellent experience and confidence in the business”, he concluded.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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