Adalbeto Maluf, director of BYD, accompanies presidential delegation in Beijing

Adalberto Maluf, director of BYD, one of the main manufacturers of photovoltaic modules in Brazil and the world, has been following the presidential delegation's mission to China since the beginning of this week. The mission is part of efforts to strengthen ties with China, currently one of Brazil's main trading partners.

During the trip, director Adalberto Maluf had the opportunity to speak with authorities, including President Jair Bolsonaro himself, to seek support for the demands of the photovoltaic solar energy sector, which is threatened by the changes recently announced by ANEEL – National Electric Energy Agency – in the rules for distributed generation of electrical energy.

According to Maluf, “China is Brazil's largest trading partner (in 2019 almost twice as much as 2nd place: USA). It is the largest foreign investor in the country, and has great complementarity with our economy, although today our exports are still very concentrated in minerals, agribusiness and airplanes.” Still in Maluf's words, “In just a few years, China has become the largest hub for innovation and development of new technologies in the world, with 3x more startups billionaires than the USA (2O place) and each vez mais leads strategic sectors for the economy of the future.”

“I'm happy that President Bolsonaro's visit left behind some mutual trust and that we can create the foundations for effective and lasting cooperation. Both countries have a lot to gain from this cooperation”, adds Maluf. “Clean energy and electric mobility are technologies in which China leads the world, and both have incredible potential to help Brazil make its economic transition to the economy of the future. Let’s work so that these clean and silent revolutions arrive in Brazil soon”, he concludes.

Adalberto Maluf explained the sector's concerns in a meeting with President Jair Bolsonaro. Maluf took the opportunity to discuss with the president the negative impacts that the proposed change in regulation made by ANEEL will bring to the photovoltaic solar energy sector.

The director highlighted, in agreement with other bodies linked to the sector, that ANEEL was based on mistaken premises. “I was with President Bolsonaro to highlight the concern of the solar sector about ANEEL's disastrous proposal to tax solar energy generation in Brazil, based on distorted and incomplete data, to preserve the inefficiencies of the electricity sector”, said director Maluf through of your social networks. 

“Now we have to show ANEEL the errors and distortions in their proposal, based on a distorted lobby from delay distributors, which would put Brazil against the grain of the world, and could even kill this important sector that is already generating many jobs, innovation and development to Brazil”, added Adalberto.

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Canal Solar editorial team
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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