Influence should close June close to the historical average in the Southeast

Load in the National Interconnected System continues to grow by 3.1% in June
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19-06-23-canal-solar-Afluência deve fechar junho próxima da média histórica no Sudeste
São Roque Hydroelectric Plant, located on the southern plateau of the state of Santa Catarina. Photo: Reproduction

The bulletin of PMO (Monthly Operation Program) of the ONS (National Electric System Operator), from the operating week between June 17th and 23rd, shows that the prospects for AND ON (Affluent Natural Energy) continue in levels compatible with those expected for the typically dry period. ENA represents the water that reaches the reservoirs to be converted into electrical energy.

The Southeast/Central-West, a region that concentrates 70% of the country's relevant reservoirs, should reach the highest percentage among all subsystems on the last day of June: 94% of MLT (Long Term Average), the same percentage published in the previous review.

The ENA forecast for the North region is the second highest, 78% from MLT. Projections for the Northeast and South are higher than previously indicated, with 52% (compared to 51%) and 60 (46%).

Indications for the EAR (Stored Energy) are again pointing to a possible end of the month with all regions recording rates above 80%. The North (99.6%) and the South (87.8%) are those with the most favorable indications, followed by the Southeast/Mid-West, whose EAR is estimated at 86.2%. Finally, the Northeast subsystem should register an EAR of 84.5%.

The load on the SIN (National Interconnected System) continues to grow by 3.1% (70,520 MWmed) in June. The largest expansion is planned for the North, with 15.9% (7,214 MWmed); followed by the Northeast, with 6.9% (11,731 MWmed). The Southeast/Central-West should accelerate by 1.4% (39,492 MWmed).

Only the South records an opposite trend, with a projected reduction of 1.6% (12,083 MWmed). The data presented compares estimates for the month of June 2023, compared to the same period last year.

Picture of Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire is a journalist graduated from FMU. He worked as a reporter for Jornal da Energia, Canal Energia and Agência Estado. He has covered the electricity sector since 2011. He has experience in covering events, such as energy auctions, conventions, lectures, fairs, congresses and seminars.

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