Drop in prices drives agriculture’s search for solar energy in Paraná

Demand for financing for photovoltaic systems grew by more than 35% in the first quarter of 2024
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Queda nos preços impulsiona busca do agro por energia solar no Paraná
Implementation of clean energy systems in the countryside takes a leap forward in Paraná. Photo: Government of PR/Reproduction

You photovoltaic panel prices had fall average of 40% in 2023, reducing implementation costs solar plants and payback (return time on investment) – which, according to FAEP (Agricultural Federation of the State of Paraná), has been encouraging rural producers in Paraná The join more and more to solar energy.

According to the entity, the search for financing of photovoltaic systems in the State, through the program RenovaPR, grew more than 351TP3Q 2024, compared to the same period last year. In total, there were more than 460 projects financed, totalizing R$ 44.5 million.

"A Electrical energy is one of the main inputs in the agricultural sector, mainly for activities such as poultry farming, fish farming and dairy farming. Anyone who doesn't generate their own energy will be left behind. Now, with this drop in costs, it has become even more attractive for rural producers to install solar plants on their properties”, said Ágide Meneguette, president of FAEP.

According to data from Infolink Consulting, the biggest global manufacturers of solar panels expanded the production of components, but demand did not grow at the same rate. Because of this, there is stock of sets, which caused the prices fell.

“The industry overestimated market growth. As a result, we have high stocks of equipment, which has caused prices to fall. With this, a window of opportunity opened. Rural producers who have not yet made investments should take advantage, because the conditions imply a good deal”, says Luiz Eliezer Ferreira, FAEP technician.


Over the past seven years, the Paraná made a leap in the use of renewable energy in the field. In 2017, there was only 47 plants installed on rural properties in the State – 40 photovoltaic and seven biogas. Today, there are more than 31,500 plants installed in the countryside.

According to Fiep, in addition to reducing the price of solar systems Over the past few years, the The cost of energy in rural areas has risen sharply, due to the end of federal subsidies and the extinction of the state Rural Night Tariff program – which provided for a 60% reduction in energy consumed between 9pm and 6am, on rural properties. 

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Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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