Aldo is the largest company in the country in the Wholesale and Foreign Trade sector

Aldo Solar received the award for best company in the Wholesale and Foreign Trade sector on Thursday night (29) during the 20th edition of the Valor 1000 award, which selects the 25 most prominent companies in 25 areas of activity.

According to the survey, carried out by professionals from the newspaper Valor Econômico, Serasa Experian and FGV-EASP (Finance Studies Center of the Getulio Vargas Foundation), the company's share in the photovoltaic market jumped from 28%, in 2018, to 36%, in 2019 .

“We are very proud to be recognized by Valor 1000, which named us as the largest company in Brazil in the Wholesale and Foreign Trade sector. Four years ago, we dared to dream about the diversification of our country's electrical matrix, based on clean and renewable sources, with the sun as our biggest partner and sustainability as our motto”, celebrated Aldo Pereira Teixeira, founder and president of Aldo.

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The executive also commented on how the pandemic is affecting the Brazilian solar sector. “People are more concerned about their home space, family space, cost reduction, including in companies, and solar energy is all of this and also takes care of the environment”, highlighted Aldo.

The award ceremony, held online due to social isolation, included the participation of former president Fernando Henrique Cardoso, who governed Brazil in 2000, the year Valor Econômico was launched, and José Roberto Marinho, member of the board of directors of Grupo Globo.

In the Electric Energy category, the winning company was ENERCAN, responsible for the operation, maintenance and administration of the Campos Novos Hydroelectric Plant. “Energy companies are a reflection of the country’s economy”, highlighted Peter Eric Volf, managing director of ENERCAN.

The winner in the Company of the Decade category was Rede D'Or, the largest hospital group in the country. Over the past ten years, the company's revenue has risen from R$ 1 billion to over R$ 10 billion. And in the Company of the Year category, the winner was the sugar and alcohol company São Martinho.

Expectations from Aldo Solar

The distributor of photovoltaic and electronic equipment estimates growth of 50% compared to last year, when it had revenues of more than R$ 1.3 billion, with solar energy representing 90% of the company's revenue.

“After eight months of the pandemic, we already know many of the pains of this crisis and now, with greater clarity, we are convinced that our distributed solar energy generation sector is part of the solution. The solar energy sector is one of the most important in generating jobs, reducing costs for families and companies, with a focus on sustainability and the environment”, highlighted the executive.

“For 2021, we plan triple-digit growth and intend to supply more than 1GW of power, with more than 100,000 solar energy generators sold throughout Brazil. We also estimate more than R$ 4.5 billion in private investments for our 13 thousand resellers spread throughout Brazil”, added Aldo.

“Thinking Solar means generating knowledge, promoting and educating about sustainability, disseminating a new point of view. But, above all, using solar energy is part of a major renovation”, concluded the executive.

Accumulated revenue from the 1000 companies

Data from the Valor 1000 ranking shows that the net revenue of the thousand largest companies in Brazil totaled R$ 4 trillion and 300 billion in 2019, an increase of 201.5% in the last 20 years, that is, an average growth of 6% per year, index higher than the expansion of Brazil's GDP.

“We, businesspeople, know how much merit there is in these companies that have managed to remain healthy and growing over decades. In the last 20 years, companies have experienced a rollercoaster, alternating periods of strong GDP expansion with periods of spectacular declines, with frustration and discouragement”, highlighted Marinho.

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

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