Aldo is the best electronics company in the country, according to Exame

The BEST AND BIGGEST award has been organized for 47 years by Exame magazine

Aldo Solar, a distributor that has been operating in the solar energy market since 2016, was chosen as the best electronics company in the country, according to Exame magazine. Furthermore, it was considered one of the thousand largest companies in Brazil, occupying 572nd position in the ranking.

For Aldo Pereira Teixeira, founder and president of Aldo, it is a source of pride to receive the awards. “This means that we contribute to further leveraging a sector that grows, creates jobs and moves the country’s economy with a focus on sustainability, autonomy for consumers to generate their own energy and to pave the way for a prosperous future for the next generations” , celebrated the president.

The executive also estimates that the company should register a growth of 50% compared to last year, when it had revenues of more than R$ 1.3 billion. Aldo also stated that for next year, the company's plans revolve around supplying more than 1 GW of power to the Brazilian photovoltaic market, projecting to supply more than 100 thousand solar energy generators throughout Brazil.

Also according to Aldo, this amount should contribute to the creation of around 30 thousand jobs, based on a survey carried out by ABSOLAR (Brazilian Association of Photovoltaic Solar Energy).

Oscar of Brazilian companies

The BEST AND GREATEST 2020 award, known as the “Oscar of Brazilian companies”, has been organized for 47 years by Exame magazine. This year's edition evaluated and awarded the companies that stood out the most in 20 sectors of the economy and in 12 agribusiness segments in 2019.

The evaluation methodology adopted was developed by FIPECAFI (Foundation Institute for Accounting, Actuarial and Financial Research), which is responsible for collecting the data and preparing the rankings. More than 3 thousand Brazilian companies were evaluated by a team of qualified professionals from the accounting and financial sectors.

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Canal Solar editorial team
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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