Aldo Teixeira: “Being an entrepreneur in Brazil is worth it”

The businessman is the leader of one of the largest distributors of solar equipment in Brazil
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Aldo Teixeira: "Ser empreendedor no Brasil vale a pena"

Today we open the interview section of the Solar Channel. In this new space we will present interviews with major influencers in the photovoltaic solar energy market in Brazil. We couldn't start in a better way!

Every day we receive questions from professionals and companies on a wide range of topics related to the photovoltaic sector. One of the topics most frequently received by our team is “how to be successful in the photovoltaic market amidst all the difficulties?”.

In order to guide our readers, we interviewed one of the references in quality and integrity in the sector, Aldo Pereira Teixeira, president of Aldo Solar.

Our team traveled to Maringá (PR) to meet this simple and vital man, who warmly welcomed us for a very relaxed chat.

Aldo began his career in 1980, offering parts and components for the repair of radios, record players and televisions in his Kombi, the store-depot vehicle that traveled the roads of Paraná.

In the early 2000s, it also began distributing information technology products and it didn't take long for it to become one of the largest distributors of IT equipment in Brazil.

In 2016, he made the decision to enter the photovoltaic market, working in the stage of the chain in which he specializes: distribution of equipment and inputs.

Amidst competition (fair and unfair), Aldo became the largest equipment distributor in the sector, reaching all established targets, having closed 2018 with revenue of R$ 580 million.

“As with everything in life, you need to set goals and firmly follow the defined planning and strategy, even if at times you see others surpassing you.

The important thing is to reach the goal set and cross the finish line”, says the businessman and marathon runner in his spare time, who kindly welcomed us and gave us an interview.

Aldo and his company always seem to be ahead of our time — a proof that success does not come by chance. From the airport to Aldo's headquarters, our team had a comfortable and silent journey in an electric car.

The energy that powers the car is supplied by an electric station supplied by solar panels, one of the first things visitors see upon arrival.

Anyone who visits Aldo's facilities in Maringá comes across a blue building of gigantic proportions and a futuristic appearance.

Inside the building, everything is impressive: the organization of the customer service center, the computer servers that support electronic commerce, the gigantic stock of solar panels and even the delicious lunch that was served to us in the cafeteria – everything seems to be made for that the visitor wants to return many times.

We were warmly welcomed by Aldo himself, who took us on a tour of all the company's facilities and then invited us for a conversation that lasted many hours. The subjects were endless and would not fit into a single subject.

Just one day is not enough to talk to Aldo. There are many stories and lots of information from a life path that intertwines with the trajectory of your company.

The old catchphrase “Loucuras do Aldo”, which dates back to the company's origins, gave way to the modern Crazy Aldo. Everything in your company is “crazy” and we see that word everywhere. As the founder of Aldo told us, “you have to be a little crazy in what we do if we want to do it differently and better”.

Below we will show a little of what we managed to learn from this great businessman, who is the leader of one of the largest distributors of solar equipment in Brazil.

Aldo already had a strong presence in the computer components and equipment market. How did you decide to enter the solar energy market?

Sustainability has always been in the company's DNA, so much so that we actively participate in the PNRS (National Solid Waste Program) through Aldo Crazy Recicla. I saw a great opportunity to employ this belief in the growing solar energy market.

In 2018, for the first time, the business related to solar energy, introduced just three years ago, was the largest in revenue within the company. This shows that we are on the right path.

How did Aldo become one of the largest distributors of photovoltaic products in Brazil?

Studying the market in depth, bringing the best solutions and equipment and establishing partnerships with the biggest national and international players.

It is also important to highlight that the fact that Aldo negotiates directly with manufacturers means that prices are actually much more competitive than those offered by the market. We also believe in growing and making customers grow together.

How do you see the future of solar energy in Brazil?

According to ANEEL, by 2024, around 1.2 million solar energy generators or more should be installed in homes and businesses across Brazil, representing 15% of the Brazilian energy matrix and by the year 2030 the photovoltaic energy market it should move around R$ 100 billion.

Photovoltaic solar energy will continue to become increasingly competitive, even though for now it represents a small percentage of Brazil's energy matrix.

Some believe that the transformations in the energy market over the next decade will be more impactful than the internet. And this fact opens up millions of possibilities, as it is a rapidly growing market, bringing opportunities for the entire market and, in particular, for the country as a whole.

How to position yourself and differentiate yourself in the Brazilian solar market?

We are committed to being a hub for the world's largest manufacturers and ensuring full availability and fast delivery of solar energy equipment to our customers, with competitive prices and the certainty of selling the best equipment on the market.

How do you deal with competitors who don't value quality in their products and services?

Aldo is currently the Brazilian company with the greatest availability of equipment, with a total of more than five thousand different solar energy generators.

Furthermore, we have a market vision completely focused on distribution with a focus on the autonomy of resellers and installers when placing orders, prompt delivery, logistical efficiency and the fact that we sell solar energy generators (panels, inverters and all other inputs ) for installation, facilitating the day-to-day life of resellers, in addition to obtaining tax benefits when purchased in this way.

The maximum: a generator billed every 4 minutes has been a reality at Aldo since last year. In its warehouse of around 8,000 m2, Aldo has 75,000 solar panels in vertical storage.

How to deal with uncertainties in the country's political-economic environment?

Aldo's performance over the last five years was outlined in January 2014, in a pre-crisis moment, we reorganized the company, changed our customer base a lot and prepared some sales initiatives. We are optimistic about the changes and the economic situation in the country and we intend to grow 35% this year.

How should a company's goals be established?

A company's goals must be based on market research, analysis and a lot of preparation. This is the case with the strategic planning that we designed five years ago and now we are reaping the rewards.

The goals established since the beginning of the business continue to guide Aldo's direction and the entire team works together to reach the proposed objective.

What are the ways to keep employees and collaborators focused on achieving goals?

With the goals established, everyone in the company knows where we need to get to and everyone participates. One employee demands another for efficiency and results.

Last year we grew 40% compared to the previous year, generating a PLR (Profit Sharing) of around eight payrolls for employees.

If you could start over, what would you do differently?

I had an immense desire to win, since the days of distribution in Aldo's Kombi. Everything I did and the goals I set were for my family. I would do everything exactly the same. It's a joy to have gotten here.

What would you advise entrepreneurs who want to make a difference in the solar photovoltaic market?

Being an entrepreneur in Brazil is worth it. Just set goals and focus on what you set out to do. Furthermore, genuinely believe that solar energy will make a difference in the future of the country and the future of the next generation, generating thousands of opportunities.

What message would you like to convey to Canal Solar readers?

I would like to reinforce my passion for Solar Energy, Aldo's commitment to innovation, aiming for a Brazil that sets an example through an energy matrix based on clean and renewable sources, with the sun as its greatest partner and sustainability as its motto, with quality , commitment, social responsibility and encouraging sustainable and technological development.

Aldo Pereira Teixeira, on the right, with the executive director of Canal Solar, Bruno Kikumoto
Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

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