ANEEL opens public consultation on expansion of wind and solar generators

Open public consultation will discuss changes in the conditions of access to transmission and contracting CUST
Canal Solar ANEEL abre consulta pública sobre expansão de geradores eólicos e solares
Contributions will be accepted between November 7, 2022 and January 6, 2023

ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) opened on Tuesday (1st), during the 41st Board Meeting of the Agency, the Public Consultation 052/2022 with the aim of promoting changes in the regulation of access of generating plants to the transmission network.

According to ANEEL, the regulatory problem discussed is based on the premise that there is a mismatch between the expansion of transmission infrastructure and the generation expansion scenario, notably wind and photovoltaic sources. Contributions will be accepted between November 7, 2022 and January 6, 2023.

Luiza Melcop, a lawyer specializing in the area of energy and infrastructure regulation, explains that the biggest difficulty is that there are no projections for an increase in consumption load in sufficient volume to cover the amount of installed power granted to generation, which was clearly aggravated by the race to obtaining the discount on TUSD/TUST.

“Among the data brought in the Regulatory Impact Analysis (AIR nº 02/2022), which subsidizes Public Consultation 052/2022, ANEEL reported that currently there are around 66 GW of installed power granted in the Free Energy Market, of which 79% has not had work started. These data contrast with the fact that the physical guarantee balance of the electrical system is in surplus until 2027”, he points out.

“Thus, the data collected shows that generation plants may have obstacles in the viability of their implementation due to the absence of energy purchase contracts associated with the granted generation”, adds Luiza.

The lawyer also comments that the milestones for the start of CUST billing (Transmission System Use Contracts) must be aligned with the schedule published in the resolutions approving the grants.

“It is only possible to change them upon recognition by ANEEL of a cause excluding the responsibility of the generating agent. This procedure implies that both projects that are viable for implementation and those that are not are queued up for access to transmission,” he explains.

She further explains that in cases where the generating agent is committed to the project and, given the imprecision of the operating conditions of the generating plants and flow restrictions pointed out in the Access Opinions, these regulatory requirements can lead to the scenario in which the generating agent contracts CUST with MUST (Transmission System Usage Amount) billing starting at a much earlier date in relation to the plant's actual implementation schedule.

“This movement causes the undue reservation of the connection point, compromising both the access of other users and the optimization of the use of the transmission network, in addition to allocating the cost distribution of the basic network inappropriately”, he assesses.

ANEEL proposes as a regulatory alternative the extinction of access information, with the increase in the availability of information about connection points on the ONS (National Electric System Operator) website, as well as the issuance of the access opinion conditioned on the presentation of deposit for network reservation during the validity of the opinion.

Furthermore, it is suggested that the beginning of the execution of the CUST should be three years, from its signature and without being linked to the authorization granting schedule, with a charge being due for the network reservation while there is no entry into force. operation of the generating plant.

It is also proposed to present an additional guarantee for the signing of the CUST, capable of covering the charges for early termination of the contract, including cases in which the connection is not carried out by the generating agent.

Finally, it is important to highlight that ANEEL did not address in AIR nº 02/2022 the promotion of a competitive procedure for contracting flow margin for the access of generating plants to the SIN (National Interconnected System).

The possibility was brought by art. 2nd of Decree No. 10,893/2021 as a way of stimulating competition for access from generating plants eligible for the TUSD/TUST discount and which were located in regions with great competition for flow.

As considered in AIR nº 02/2022, despite the regulatory problem under analysis having been aggravated by the current scenario of the race to obtain the discount on TUSD/TUST, the regulatory study aims at the structural solution of the problem, which would only be possible through the change in procedures for accessing the transmission network.

The deadline for contributions to Public Consultation No. 052/2022 was set from 11/07/2022 to 01/06/2023, a period in which sectoral agents can offer subsidies for other compositions of regulatory alternatives aimed at improving the regulation of access to the network transmission.

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.
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