ANEEL approves tariff adjustment for three licensees in the South region

The adjustments of two permit holders in RS and one in SC were defined in accordance with the Tariff Regulation Procedures, states ANEEL
Os reajustes de duas permissionárias do RS e uma de SC foram definidos conforme os Procedimentos de Regulação Tarifária, afirma ANEEL
Photo: Freepik

A ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) authorized, on the last Tuesday (12), O tariff adjustment in three permissionaires from the South region - The Ceprag, Coopersul It is Coopernorte.

Check the indices for each consumption class in the table below.

According to data from Ceprag, residential consumers will have a reduction of 7.49% in their energy bills; high voltage customers will see a reduction of 6.28%; and low voltage consumers a decrease in 6,59%.

Licensed consumers Coopersul will have an increase of 5.94%; high voltage customers a percentage of 12.18%; and low voltage consumers will have an increase of 9.68% in their energy bill.

Finally, residential customers of Coopernorte will have a percentage of 8.49% on the electricity bill; high voltage consumers an increase in 5.93%; and low voltage an increase of 10.05%

According to ANEEL, In the case of permission holders Coopersul and Coopernorte, there was a partial withdrawal of discounts on energy supply tariffs.

“In the board's decision, the Supply Tariffs of the suppliers were fixed for the licensees with an anniversary date of December 22, 2023, the values of the annual quotas of the CDE (Energy Development Account) and PROINFA (Source Incentive Program Electricity Alternatives)”, stated the Agency.

“The monthly values of CDE resources to be passed on by the CCEE (Electric Energy Trading Chamber) to the licensees with an anniversary date of December 22, 2023 were also approved, in order to cover the discounts taken from the tariff structure”, they added. . 

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Picture of Yvana Leitão
Yvana Leitão
Producer of the Papo Solar Podcast. He has experience producing and preparing journalistic articles. Graduated in journalism from the Escola Superior de Administração, Marketing e Comunicação de Campinas.

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