ANEEL approves results of energy auctions A-1 and A-2

Competitions held last year negotiated 751 lots and more than R$ 1.34 billion in investments
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ANEEL homologa resultado dos leilões de energia A-1 e A-2
The 2023 competitions aimed to complement the demand from nine states. Photo: Freepik

The collegiate board of ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) approved, this Tuesday (23) the homologation of the Existing Energy Auctions A-1 and A-2 carried out in 2023. 

O Existing Energy Auction A-1 negotiated 473 lots with energy to average value of R$ 90.97/MWh It is discount of 9.03% in relation to the initial price, totaling R$ 754 million and the start of energy supply defined at the time for January 1, 2024. 

The winners were Alupar, BTG Pactual, EDP, ENEL, Gold Energia, Itaú and Squadra. Considering the discount, the event provided savings of approximately R$ 74.9 million for the Brazilian consumer.

Now for the Existing Energy Auction A-2, negotiated 278 lots with energy to average value of R$ 117.22 It is discount of 21,85% in relation to the initial price, totaling R$ 570 million. 

The expected start of energy supply is from January 1, 2025. The winners were BTG Pactual, CTG Trading, Gold Energia, Itaú, Rio Paranapanema and Safira. The event saved R$ 159.6 million compared to the ceiling price.

You auctions aim complement the demand of distributors in nine states: Alagoas, Ceará, Maranhão, Minas Gerais, Pará, Paraná, Piauí, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.

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Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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