ANEEL extends the deadline for sending contributions for AP 001/2019

In the current model, excess energy generated and injected into the grid is compensated in all tariff components

ANEEL decided to extend the deadline for sending contributions due to the holiday on Friday, 19/04. Therefore, the new deadline for shipping is 04/22, next Monday.

Public Hearing 001/2019 deals with proposals to review Normative Resolution 482 that may impact the electricity compensation system, applied to consumer units that have a distributed micro or mini generation system. In the current model, excess energy generated and injected into the grid is compensated in all components of the tariff, ANEEL proposes that compensation occurs in only part of it.

According to sector entities, the proposal represents a setback, as it imposes barriers on a segment that promotes the empowerment of energy consumers, creates jobs and promotes the diversification of the energy matrix, making it cleaner and more renewable.

Contributions must be sent by email to:

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