ANEEL publishes NT on energy billing, according to Law 14,300

Document discloses parameters for applying the transition rule under Law 14,300
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ANEEL publica NT sobre o faturamento conforme Lei 14.300
Photo: Disclosure

A ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) published, late last Thursday night (22), a technical note about how the billing of energy credits during the transition period stipulated in the Law 14,300

In the document presented, the regulatory body mentions that the tariff to be applied to the compensation system will follow the following guidelines:

  • The disclosure of the value must be easy for the consumer to understand;
  • The values must be available for consultation on the ANEEL website, whether in the administrative act, spreadsheet or reports;
  • The value must be, as far as possible, easy to apply in billing by the distributor;
  • When seeking adequate standardization that can be applied to all distributors, in the context of the tariff process;
  • A solution must be considered that meets the need for data flow from the distributor to ANEEL, aiming to subsidize the various tariff sub-processes (revenue definition, calculation of tariff subsidies, market declaration);
  • The initial extraordinary disclosure must be the same as the definitive solution applied in tariff processes from 2023 onwards.

For the president of the MSL (Free Solar Movement), Hewerton Martins, The technical note from ANEEL does not present any major news.

According to him, a The point that frustrated consumers was the Agency’s “lack of coherence” by not giving consumers six months, since, according to him, there was a delay on the part of the agency in regulating the law, as well as compliance to this day by the public energy service concessionaires.

"One An important point was the Agency's recognition that systems up to 500 kW of power are small, and larger systems are categorized as large, this opens up space for debate about encouraging small systems generally installed for their own energy consumption, different from large systems that are commercially exploited, mainly by solar energy subsidiaries of companies. own energy concessionaires,” said Martins.

Check the technical note complete by clicking here. 

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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