ANEEL reduces energy tariffs for 10 distributors

According to the Agency, the new values come into force from this Wednesday (13)
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13-07-22-canal-solar-ANEEL reduz tarifa de energia de 10 distribuidoras
Another measure that will help reduce the value of invoices is LCP nº 194/2022. Photo: Marcos Santos/USP Imagens

In a meeting held this Tuesday (12), the ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) approved the RTEs (Extraordinary Tariff Revisions) of ten distributors that have already gone through the tariff process in 2022, leading to a reduction in the rates that had already been approved.

RTEs are promoted as a result of the application of Law No. 14,385/2022, which changes the Law No. 9,427, of December 26, 1996, for the return of tax amounts collected in excess by public electricity distribution service providers.

The new rates come into force from this Wednesday (13). The Agency stated that the amounts to be returned were calculated and included as a financial component in the distributors' tariff processes, in accordance with Law No. 14,385.

Deliberations on the tariff processes of the distributors Energisa Mato Grosso do Sul (EMS), Energisa Mato Grosso (EMT), whose credits have not yet been authorized by the Federal Revenue, as well as Equatorial Alagoas and Light, were postponed, due to court injunctions.

LCP nº 194: MME estimates reduction of 19% in consumer tariffs

Regarding distributors whose tariff processes have not yet occurred in 2022, the ANEEL board informed that it will make the necessary calculations of the impact of the refund at the time of adjustment/review for each company.

Below is a table prepared by the Authority that shows the average effect on current tariffs to be perceived by consumers.


Effect – On current tariffs

Effect on current tariffs – Residential consumer (B1)

Total effect of removing ICMS from the Pis/Confins calculation on tariffs

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Enel RJ




CPFL Santa Cruz




CPFL Paulista




























Light tariff

The TRF-1 (Federal Regional Court of the 1st Region) responded to a request from Light and ordered ANEEL to postpone the reduction in tariffs charged to its consumers.

According to a document obtained by GLOBO, the Agency estimates that the tariff review will lead to a drop of 6% in tariffs for residential consumers and 5.68% for industrial customers.

TRF-1 accepted Light's request, which argued that this reduction could only occur after a public hearing.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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