ANEEL suspends power cuts, fines and interest for the population of RS

Agency announced that it took the decision to support municipalities in Rio Grande do Sul affected by the rains
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ANEEL suspende corte de energia, multa e juros à população do RS
Floods in Rio Grande do Sul. Photo:Agência Brasil/Maurício Tonetto/Reproduction

A ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) decided to ban The charge interest, fines and interruption of energy supply in the Rio Grande do Sul because of floods that reach the state. 

A suspension will happen at 90 day period for the municipalities in Rio Grande do Sul that decreed public calamity, those who are not in this situation will have 30 days of suspension. 

At the moment, the period for cut of the energy supply is 15 days, from the issuance of the statement by the distributor.

A Agency also decided suspend billing of sectoral charges, such as loans made during the pandemic and the water crisis, amounts that are included in the electricity bill and have an impact of R$ 757 million.

Altogether, the gaucho state has the role of 20 distributors of energy, which serve joints around 4.5 million consumer units. In the first half of May, more than 420 thousand consumers had energy service interruptions. 

To the distributors also reported what substations they were off per flooding and also for safety, thousands of kilometers of distribution networks destroyed, transmission networks and generating plants out of operation, dams in a state of attention, telephone call centers and in-person service points deactivated, in addition to countless consumer units, roads and accesses destroyed or completely isolated. 

To the distributors also informed to the Agency that there was impacts in public services such as telecommunications and water supply.

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Picture of Viviane Lucio
Viviane Lucio
Journalist graduated from UNIP (Universidade Paulista) and specialist in scientific journalism from Unicamp (Universidade Estadual de Campinas). He has experience in producing news, reports, photography, communications and press consultancy.

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