LIVE: Base text of PL 5829 is approved; deputies vote highlights

PL 5829 is on the session's agenda and will be voted on this Wednesday (18)
AO VIVO_ discussão e votação de propostas da Câmara dos Deputados

The Chamber of Deputies votes this Wednesday (18) on PL 5829 (Bill 5829/19), which aims to create a Legal Framework for GD. At Day order there are 28 items on the agenda.

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3:34 pm: Start of the Plenary session 

3:37 pm: Rapporteur of PL 5829/19, deputy Lafayette de Andrada, reads the report.

3:46 pm: President of the Chamber, Arthur Lira (PP/AL), calls deputies who signed up to discuss the proposal.

3:48 pm: Deputy Carlos Zarattini (PT/SP) speaks about the proposal. He is in favor of the report presented by Lafayette. “The new substitute text allows subsidies to be compensated for the benefits achieved over the years by the expansion of solar energy in the Brazilian energy matrix, which is very good and correct (…) The subsidy only makes sense if it compensates for a possible increase in the cost of this solar energy. From the moment you obtain benefits for the energy matrix and make it cheaper, it is fair that this is compensated precisely in solar energy subsidies”, he said.

3:50 p.m.: Parliamentarian Paulo Ganime (Novo/RJ) comments on PL 5829 and highlights the benefits of renewable energy. “The project is going in the right direction. The rapporteur managed to find a good balance in this text. We are in favor of the text”, he stated.

15:53: Deputy Erika Kokay (PT/DF) comments on investments in the electricity sector. “It is important to encourage photovoltaic solar energy”, he highlighted. “There is currently a water crisis in Brazil, in which a substantial and vigorous increase in energy tariffs is expected in the coming years. In that case, what is the responsibility of this parliament? Photovoltaic energy must be encouraged!” he emphasized.

3:57 pm: Deputy Padre João (PT/MG) highlights the importance of creating a Law to end legal uncertainty.

16:00: Deputy Pedro Uczai (PT/SC) states that it is essential to support clean and renewable energy.

4:03 pm: Deputy Marcelo Ramos (PL/AM) takes the stand and highlights dialogue as an instrument of democracy and comments on the consensus among professionals in the electricity sector. “I want to thank President Arthur Lira (of the Chamber of Deputies), who dedicated himself to this issue and had the patience to wait for it to mature before bringing it to the Plenary. Brazil wins, those who invested in solar energy win and captive consumers are preserved”, he said.

4:07 p.m.: Deputy Vicentinho (PT/SP) highlights the relevance of solar energy for generating jobs in Brazil. “This House today takes a leap in quality when it invests in the future”.

4:08 pm: Lira concludes on the discussion of PL 5829/19.

4:11 p.m.: Lafayette de Andrada speaks about the text. 59 amendments were presented. Rapporteur rejects amendments that are included in the report.

4:14 pm: Deputy Kim Kataguiri (DEM/SP) is against PL 5829.

4:17 pm: Marcelo Ramos chairs the session.

4:22 pm: PT votes in favor of the replacement text.

4:22 pm: PSD votes in favor of the replacement text.

4:23 pm: Marcelo Ramos opens roll call voting.

4:24 pm: MDB votes in favor of the replacement text.

4:25 pm: PSDB votes in favor of the replacement text.

4:33 pm: Rodrigo Agostinho (PSB/SP). “There is one point in the text that is extremely complicated, which is leaving the entire sector in the hands of the National Electric Energy Agency,” he stated.

4:38 pm: PL Party recommends voting yes.

4:38 pm: Deputy Christino Aureo (PP/RJ) speaks about the substitute text. PP votes in favor.

4:40 pm: Deputy Leônidas (PDT/CE) highlights PL 5829 as favorable.

4:43 pm: Podemos Party supports the text of PL 5829.

4:46 pm: PSOL does recommend the replacement text.

4:47 pm: Partido Novo does recommend the replacement text.

4:50 pm: Deputy Arnaldo Jardim (Cidadania/SP) speaks.

4:55 pm: Deputy Roman (Patriota/PR) comments on the proposal.

4:59 p.m.: Deputy Neucimar Fraga (PSD/ES) advises in favor.

5:02 pm: Minority advises yes to PL 5829.

5:03 pm: Deputy Beto Pereira (PSDB/MS) speaks.

5:09 pm: Marcelo Ramos closes the vote.

5:10 pm: Replacement text approved by 476 votes in favor.

5:50 pm: Vote on the Plenary Amendments with an opinion for rejection.

5:53 pm: The Plenary Amendments were rejected, except for the highlights.

Deputies discuss and vote on the highlights.

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Redação do Canal Solar
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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