Health Commission approves donation of energy credits to entities 

PL also provides that Bolsa Família families will also receive credits
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Comissão de Saúde aprova doação de créditos de energia para entidades
Photo: Chamber of Deputies/Reproduction

He was approved by the Health Committee of the Chamber of Deputies this week, the project of law PL 2893/2021 – which is how goal allow micro and mini power generators to give credits surplus to entities social assistance, health or education. 

Furthermore, families benefited from the program Bolsa Família are also included to receive credits. 

According to the proposal, which still it needs to be appreciated for the Chamber of Deputies and others commissions before become law, you consumers who are giving in you credits of energy and those who are receiving will need to forward statements to the distributor location, confirming the availability of credits.

O text approved, authored by deputy Antonio Andrade (Republicanos/TO), brings together five proposals. Check the document at complete.

In agreement as congressperson Andrade, in many places, O third sector It is responsible for the most part from the attention The health

“In these locations, increase you resources intended for holy houses It is hospitals philanthropic generates a impact significant in attention to the health of the entire population”, he stated.

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Picture of Yvana Leitão
Yvana Leitão
Producer of the Papo Solar Podcast. He has experience producing and preparing journalistic articles. Graduated in journalism from the Escola Superior de Administração, Marketing e Comunicação de Campinas.

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