Storage is essential to optimize the Brazilian electricity grid

Regulatory changes are necessary to enhance transmission and distribution in Brazil, points out José Marangon
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14-04-21-canal-solar-Armazenamento é essencial para otimizar rede elétrica brasileira

“As transmission and distribution begin to become more stressed, as the load on the system increases, it makes more sense to have storage.”

This is what highlighted the doctor in electrical engineering José Wanderley Marangon Lima, specialist in generation, transmission, distribution and commercialization of electrical energy.

According to the expert, when these situations happen, the government always ends up building new lines, new substations. He assesses that this is not the solution. “Let’s do this: use batteries to change grid congestion. Today, a lot is done in the United States.”

“In the USA, basically everything is thermal. You don't see big transmission lines there like you see in Brazil. Here, we needed to get long-distance energy, and we did something that was good, at one time, which is energy optimization: it brings electricity from the Northeast, goes to the Southeast, sends it to the South. This was interesting in a certain time”, he added.

“But today it’s over. Our reservoirs have water down there, so we can't build the water supply we had before. And the transmission system, people are investing too much. Therefore, I believe we are at the point where we can reach out to EPE (Energy Research Company) and tell them not to put so many lines in place”, highlighted Marangon.

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Marangon also evaluated the presence of wind energy in the country. “The wind people come and say it is necessary to put 3 GW in Agreste Pernambucano. However, the lines there, for example, may not provide support and, in this case, load shedding. What has to be done then? We’re going to add storage and optimize the use of this network,” he explained.

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In conclusion, he emphasized that regulation has to change a lot to try to maximize the resources that the country has and the battery will be the highlight of this optimization.

“Batteries are essential, but we have to give them a push. ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) has to look into this soon. Let’s see what she will propose to give a better economic signal to those who want to invest in storage”, he concluded.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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