Astronergy supplies half of the modules for the 902 MWp plant

Vista Alegre Solar Complex, located in MG, has panels with N-Type technology
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Astronergy modules installed at the Vista Alegre Solar Complex. Image: Atlas Renewable Energy/Disclosure

A Solar Astronergy has participated in major projects in the country. Among them is the Vista Alegre Solar Complex, located in Janaúba, in the state of Minas Gerais. According to the company, it is the largest system to be built in a single phase in Brazil.

The plant, from Atlas Renewable Energy, has an installed capacity of 902 MWp, being that 454 MW are supplied by Astronergy photovoltaic modules. The model chosen was the Astro N5CHSM72N(DG)/F-BH – 575W and 580W, and deliveries took place between August and December 2023. The project, which began construction last year, will begin supplying clean energy to Albras by 2025.

According to the manufacturer, Vista Alegre is the first 100% plant made with N-Type panels in the country. In total, the complex will produce 200 MWmed or 2 TWh annually, avoiding the emission of 2.4 million tons of CO2 during the 20 years of operation – with generation equivalent to supplying energy to more than 3 million people.

“Participating in this project is, without a doubt, very important for the story that Astronergy has been building in the global renewable energy market. Being part of Atlas' history and contributing to great achievements, such as the Vista Alegre plant, also fills us with pride. We are prepared to take increasingly greater steps in large-scale projects in the country and, of course, around the world”, he highlighted. Eduardo Gama, country manager Brazil at Astronergy.

The complex, which already generated more than 2,500 jobs in its construction phase, also promotes long-term ESG practices, even during the operation phase. “We are Part of the Same Energy” is Atlas’ main social program implemented in Janaúba.

The initiative promotes diversity and inclusion in the construction of renewable energy projects, focused on training and hiring local women in pursuit of maintaining at least 15% female participation in the workforce. Astronergy stated that it intends, in the short term, to actively participate in social projects in the regions that have its photovoltaic modules.

About Astronergy

A Astronergy operates as part of the CHINT Group, specializing in solar cells and panels. Since its founding in 2006, it has marked its presence as one of the first private entities to explore the photovoltaic field in China, and has established itself as an innovator in N-Type TOPCon photovoltaic modules. 

According to the manufacturer, thanks to the advanced technology of large wafers, the ASTRO series, one of the company's highlighted products, adapts to a wide range of applications, including large installations, commercial and industrial photovoltaic systems, as well as residential projects.

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Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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