Hearing will discuss Resolution 1000 and distributor problems

Commission will invite Cemig and other concessionaires to address difficulties reported by integrators and consumers
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Audiência discutirá Resolução 1000 e problemas das distribuidoras
The statement that the hearing will be held was made by deputy Celso Russomanno. Photo: Disclosure

A Consumer Protection Commission of the Chamber of Deputies will promote a public hearing to debate the Resolution 1000/2021, updated by Resolution 1059/2023, and the difficulties what integrators and consumers are facing to obtain authorization to connect photovoltaic systems next to distributors.

“We approved today (12) the consumer protection commission to discuss ANEEL’s resolution. As it stands, it is very difficult for integrators and consumers who are trying to put solar energy in their homes or small businesses and are not succeeding”, he stated. deputy Celso Russomanno (Republicanos/SP), first vice-president of the commission. 

According to the parliamentarian, the hearing date will be announced soon and is expected to take place in the coming weeks.

Hewerton Martins, president of the MSL (Movimento Solar Livre), was present in Brasília (DF), this week, to discuss this topic and highlights that the participation of all integrators it's essential.

“It is very important that integrators gather documentation about the problems that have been occurring, regarding impediments on the part of energy distributors so that they can be used on the day of the public hearing”, he highlighted.

Read too:

"To the public hearing will be invited to Cemig (Minas Gerais Energy Company) and other distributors that are suspending project deadlines and canceling consumer projects when contracted from integrators but approving when their solar subsidiaries sell, like, for example, Cemig does”, concluded Martins.


Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

One Response

  1. Dears, good morning!

    What is the hearing date?

    Have any points already been discussed?

    Yours sincerely,

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