Tariff flag remains green for the month of June 

With the green flag, there will be no additional cost on the electricity bill
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Bandeira tarifária permanece verde para o mês de junho
Flag system offers the consumer a real overview of energy generation within the costs that make up their electricity bill.Photo: Agência Brasil/Reproduction

A ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) released, on Wednesday (29), that the tariff flag for the month of June remains green.

The agency alert that despite the relief in the account electricity for the month of June, vigilance regarding the responsible use of electrical energy must continue. 

“The guidance is to use the energy of form conscious It is avoid waste that harm the environment and affect the sustainability of sector electric as a whole. Saving energy is essential for preserving natural resources,” he stated.

According to ANEEL, the flag system offers the consumer a real overview of energy generation within the costs that make up their electricity bill. 

ANEEL states that before, the consumers no had access to this information, it was passed on annually and the consumer did not have the information that the energy was expensive at that time and therefore did not have a signal for to react to one price more high.

“With tariff flags, the consumer wins one paper more active in defining your account in energy. Upon knowing, example, that flag it is red, the consumer can adapt your consumption to help reduce the value from the account”, he informed.

Created in 2015, tariff flags are aim to help the consumer to to understand the time of to save money and to understand the value of the month's energy generation.

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Picture of Yvana Leitão
Yvana Leitão
Producer of the Papo Solar Podcast. He has experience producing and preparing journalistic articles. Graduated in journalism from the Escola Superior de Administração, Marketing e Comunicação de Campinas.

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