Bars and restaurants will have a reduction in their electricity bill with the use of solar subscription

Partnership between Sun Mobi and Abrasel expands access to photovoltaic energy for gastronomy establishments in the state of SP
Canal Solar Energia Solar Bares e restaurantes terão redução na conta de luz com uso da solar por assinatura
Sun Mobi supplies solar to hundreds of consumer units, with the vast majority of small and medium-sized companies. Image: Envato Elements

A Abrasel (Brazilian Association of Bars and Restaurants), through Alta Mogiana Regional, and the Sun Mobi announced a partnership to help reduce you spending at account in light of gastronomy establishments in the state of São Paulo.

The proposal is to expand access to solar energy per signature for small and medium-sized businesses in the sector and bring exclusive benefits to the entity's members.

The agreement, entered into in February this year following the association of Sun Mobi with Abrasel, is part of the proposal to collaborate with the advancement of sustainability policies for bars and restaurants spread across São Paulo, of all sizes and in all regions.

The new solar energy subscription service for members and other establishments in São Paulo will be announced during the inauguration of the new Abrasel headquarters, which will take place on 02/26, at 6 pm, in the city of Ribeirão Preto (SP).

The remote adoption of solar energy, which can be contracted in the same way as cable TV and streaming, is currently one of the biggest bets for commerce and services companies to avoid energy inflation and tariff flags, as it allows the use of renewable energy without the need to invest in a roof or a small piece of land.

It is also used in rented properties, places without roofs for installing solar panels and in vertical business condominiums. The consumer who subscribes to photovoltaic energy receives electricity via the electricity distributor's own wire, which is connected to the plants connected to the distribution systems of CPFL Piratininga, CPFL Paulista, Enel and Elektro in the state of São Paulo.

Subscription solar continues to expand

In total, Sun Mobi plants serve 473 municipalities in the state of São Paulo, with the company having the largest coverage area in the territory of SP. From January to December 2023, the average electricity bill savings for Sun Mobi subscribers averaged 10%.

Currently, the company supplies solar energy to hundreds of consumer units, the vast majority of which are small and medium-sized companies, including bakeries, restaurants, bars, commercial offices and even homes.

“The volume of contracts for the supply of solar energy by subscription has grown exponentially among residential consumers and small businesses in Brazil, driven by constant increases in electricity tariffs, which always exceed official inflation rates”, explained Alexandre Bueno , partner at Sun Mobi.

“Contracting the service is 100% online and has the advantage of not needing to invest in an own electricity generation system on the roof or on a small piece of land, in addition to the ease of the sign-up process, being ideal for rented properties or establishments with little or no electricity. site structure for installing solar panels”, he concluded.

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Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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