BNE at Intersolar 2024: Actions for a Sustainable Energy Future

German organization acts as a strong supporter of digitalization in the energy wave
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BNE na Intersolar 2024: Enfatizando a Integração e a Digitalização para um Futuro Energético Sustentável
Photo: Linkedin/BNE/Reproduction

Canal Solar had the opportunity to talk to Carsten Pfeiffer, BNE representative (Bundesverband Neue Energiewirtschaft), during the Intersolar 2024, the world's leading fair for the solar industry that took place in Munich, Germany, between June 19th and 21st.

BNE is a energy organization which acts as a strong defender from the scanning at energy wave, common focus central to the development of renewable energy.

For BNE, Intersolar is a crucial event, as it offers a ideal platform to follow the latest innovations in photovoltaics and, most importantly, discuss integration of these advances in energy system as a whole. “It’s not just about producing solar electricity, but about integrating it into the total system,” Pfeiffer emphasized.

Comprehensive integration is essential for BNE, as ensures that solar energy work in synergy with other renewable sources, smart grids and storage solutions. This holistic vision is fundamental to achieving a sustainable and efficient energy future.

Pfeiffer observed a growing dynamism in this sense, with Intersolar 2024 serving as a stage for this convergence. “The more solar energy we have, the more interesting it becomes for customers to buy electric cars, for example. All of this needs to work together,” he explained.

For this integration to work effectively, the BNE defends the necessity of intelligent systems in energy management, robust integration with the electrical grid and innovative storage solutions. The organization recognizes the urgency in implement these solutions to ensure that innovations in the solar sector are made the most of.

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Picture of Daniele Haller
Daniele Haller
Living in Europe for 12 years, he works as a correspondent journalist for different communication channels in Brazil, as well as for projects that support the development of Brazilians in the job market abroad. Graduated in Journalism from Estácio de Sá do Ceará in 2008.

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