Bolsonaro says that during his government the Sun will not be taxed

This Thursday (17), President Jair Bolsonaro participated in the inauguration of the Coremas III photovoltaic plant, in Coremas (PB) and stated that there will be no taxation of the Sun during his government.

“Obviously, we know that the agencies are independent and have a very important value for us, in Brazil. Logically, talking to the minister and the president of ANEEL, we came to the conclusion that this proposal, until 2022 when we will be in government, will not be put into practice. There will then be no taxation of the Sun,” said Bolsonaro.

The president also highlighted the importance of renewable sources in the Brazilian energy matrix. “A country, to move, needs energy. And Brazil is a country that has almost all of its energy matrix coming from renewable sources. We have hydroelectric, wind, solar, biomass plants, among others”, he highlighted.

Bolsonaro also emphasized the entrepreneurship of Brazilian businesspeople when investing in renewable sources. “I want to congratulate those from Rio Alto who had the courage to undertake and invest in our country. And this is only done when there is a legal guarantee to do so. And our government is a government that respects contracts and seeks partnerships and increasingly makes entrepreneurship in Brazil less complicated”, he highlighted.

Watch the speech

Potential of renewables in Brazil

During the event, the Minister of Mines and Energy, Bento Albuquerque highlighted that Brazil is an example for the world in sustainability in electricity generation. “We are seeing some countries with blackouts during this pandemic period and here we have been for six months with energy security. Our clean and renewable sources represent 85% of Brazilian electricity generation while the world average is 24%. This is a source of pride for all Brazilians”, he highlighted.

Albuquerque also emphasized the Northeast's potential for renewable energy sources. He pointed out that solar and wind sources currently represent approximately 11% of the country's energy generation capacity. “And there will be 25% in 2030. The Northeast Region alone contributes 84%, which shows the strength of the region for the renewable energy sector”, he stated.

The project is the largest complex in the country and belongs to the private group Rio Alto Energias Renováveis, which began its projects in 2011.

Bolsonaro highlights inauguration of the solar complex live

The inauguration was one of the topics that opened the presidential live, held every Thursday with topics of the week. When commenting on the inauguration, Bolsonaro highlighted the capacity of the solar complex.

“It’s a pretty big complex. The short-term forecast is to serve 300,000 homes with solar energy and the total area, once this complex is ready, is equivalent to 1,100 football fields. It’s a private investment, just like the one in Caldas Novas (MG)”, he said during the broadcast on YouTube.

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Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

One Response

  1. In fact, there will be no taxation in your government, you already know that you really don't earn money. Pushed the present to the next one!!

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