Brazil rises six positions in ranking that assesses energy consumer freedom

Classification analyzes consumer freedom in countries where there are rules for the operation of free energy markets
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Brasil sobe seis posições em ranking que avalia liberdade do consumidor de energia
Adhesion to the Free Energy Market is on the rise in Brazil in the first months of 2024. Photo: Freepik

O Brazil rose from 47th to 41st position in a global ranking that analyzes the freedom of electricity consumers in 56 countries where there are rules authorizing companies and society to participate in free energy markets. In 2019, the country was in 55th position. 

O Abraceel International Electricity Freedom Ranking (Brazilian Association of Energy Traders) takes into account data available from the IEA (International Energy Agency).

According to the survey, if the Brazil already had a Free Energy Market more accessible for everyone, which could have been established since 2003, the country would occupy 4th position today in the global ranking.

According to Abraceel, the Top 35 in the entity's classification have completely liberalized markets and already grant all consumers, regardless of size or category, the right to choose their electricity supplier.

Source: Abraceel

New expansion phase

Until 2019, only consumers with demand greater than 3,000 kW had the right to choose their energy supplier

However, ordinances signed by the MME (Ministry of Mines and Energy) reduced this regulatory rule annually until 2023, when the minimum demand was established at 500 kW.

In 2022, O MME published the Ordinance 50, what extended to the entire Group A, which brings together consumers of medium and high voltage electricity, the right to choose the supplier, benefiting a set of more than 200 thousand consumer units.

That way, medium and high voltage consumers, the equivalent of an electricity bill greater than R$ 10 thousand per month, gained the right to migrate to the free energy market from January 1, 2024, as long as they are supported by a retail trader. 

Before Ordinance 50, only consumers in Group A with a demand greater than 500 kW – an electricity bill equivalent to R$ 140 thousand, on average – could migrate to the free contracting environment. 

Record number of adhesions

A adherence to Free Energy Market it is heated in the first months of the year. According to CCEE (Electricity Trading Chamber), were 3,866 new migrations between January and February, which corresponds to 52% of total registrations in 2023. 

In total, there were 44,988 loads, 10 thousand more units than at the beginning of March last year. In the first two months of 2024, new consumers in the segment added a monthly load of around 990 MW. 

Of this total, 2,846 began to participate in the business model through a retail supplier, who facilitates the migration process and manages energy purchase and sale operations.

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Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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